This is a description of the database tables created by the CM module. cmcomments3 [User-comments table] There is one record for each comment. One user can make none or many comments about one page. id (int4 4) [index, really unused] cmdb_type (varchar 10) [comment type. "p" for "page comment"] cmdb_directory (varchar 255) [directory of the page] cmdb_title (varchar 255) [title of comment] cmdb_author_user (varchar 20) [author of comment, kurz value from user table] cmdb_date_creation (varchar 20) [creation time in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format] cmdb_comment (text var) [comment content] cmhits3 [Hits count table] There is one record for each page or file. id (int4 4) [index, really unused] cmdb_type (varchar 10) [hit type. "f" for "file", "p" for "page", "l" for "external link"] cmdb_directory (varchar 255) [directory of page or complete path to file] cmdb_totalhits (int4 4) [total hits since creation of record, usually since creation of page or upload of file] cmdb_updatehits (int4 4) [total hits since latest page update, files dont reset this counter] cmrating3 [Rating counts table] There is one record per user per page. So, one user can have only one record for a given page and a page can have several records but from different users. id (int4 4) [index, really unused] cmdb_directory (varchar 255) [directory of the page] cmdb_rate (int4 4) [value of rating, by default from "0" to "5"] cmdb_author_user (varchar 20) [author of the rating, kurz value from user table] cmrestrict3 [Restriction/permissions matrix table] There is one record for any combination of object, operation and role, currently 50 in total. id (int4 4) [index, really unused] cmdb_object (int4 4) [object to which the restriction apply, "1" for root directory, "2" for any other directory] cmdb_operation (int4 4) [operation to which this restriction apply, "1" for creation, "2" for deletion, "3" for change/edit, "4" for display/print, "5" for post comment/rate] cmdb_role (int4 4) [role to which this restriction apply, "1" for being superuser, "2" for being administrator, "3" for being administrator of viewer group, "4" for being user of viewer group, "5" for being owner of page] cmdb_permission (int4 4) ["1" to grant permission, "0" to deny permission] content3 [Content table] There is one record for every page/directory. Before version 0.6 also syndication newsfeeds are stored here. id (int4 4) [index, really unused] cmdb_type (varchar 10) [type of content, "p" for page; it can contain "w" for priority alerts and "b" for content-less entries] cmdb_directory (varchar 255) [directory of page] cmdb_parentdir (varchar 255) [parent directory of current directory] cmdb_title (varchar 255) [title of page] cmdb_author_user (varchar 20) [author user who created the page, kurz value from user table] cmdb_author_group (varchar 20) [group of author, currently unused] cmdb_owner_user (varchar 20) [owner user who maintain the page, kurz value from user table] cmdb_owner_group (varchar 20) [group of owner, currently unused] cmdb_viewer_user (varchar 20) [user who can view this page, currently unused] cmdb_viewer_group (varchar 20) [group of those who can view the page, kurz value from gruppen table] cmdb_date_start (varchar 20) [start showing the page at this date, currently unused] cmdb_date_finish (varchar 20) [stop showing the page at this date, currently unused] cmdb_date_creation (varchar 20) [creation time in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format] cmdb_date_update (varchar 20) [modification time in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format] cmdb_keywords (text var) [keyword in free text form] cmdb_abstract (text var) [abstract in free text form] cmdb_content (text var) [content in wikimarkup derived format or html format] cmdb_rated (int4 4) [rating enabled or not for this page, "1" is enabled, disabled otherwise] cmdb_commented (int4 4) [user comments enabled or not for this page, "1" is enabled, disabled otherwise] cmdb_short_title (varchar 20) [alternative title for navigation] cmdb_logo (varchar 255) [filename of local image to use as logo] cmdb_version (int4 4) [version number of page content, currently unused] cmdb_sign (varchar 255) [digital signature for page content, currently unused] cmdb_enable_html (int4 4) [html content enabled or not for this page, "1" is enabled, disabled otherwise] cmapplog3 [App log table] There is one record for every important event in the CM system. Only events that change something are stored (displaying, printing, searching, etc, are not stored as they don't change anything). id int4 4 [index, really unused] cmdb_date varchar 20 [creation time in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format] cmdb_operation int4 4 [operation identifier, valid IDs are defined in the file] cmdb_user varchar 20 [user who executed the operation, kurz value from user table, unused if this is a non-user operation] cmdb_directory varchar 255 [directory of page or URL of syndication remote file, currently unused] cmdb_description varchar 255 [free text description of the event] cmsynd3 [Syndication newsfeeds table] There is one record for each newsfeed. id int4 4 [index, really unused] cmdb_type (varchar 10) [type of content, "s" for syndication news] cmdb_uri (varchar 255) [URL of syndication remote file] cmdb_title (varchar 255) [title of syndication content] cmdb_owner_user (varchar 20) [unused by now] cmdb_date_creation (varchar 20) [creation time in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format] cmdb_date_update (varchar 20) [update time in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format] cmdb_ttl (int4 4) [time to wait before updating/downloading] cmdb_autodl (int4 4) [if the content will be downloaded from the syndl.php file] cmdb_inhome (int4 4) [if the content will be shown in the CMS homepage] cmdb_visitems (int4 4) [max number of items to show] cmdb_content (text var) [content of the newsfeeds in string-serialized array] Mario A. Valdez-Ramírez.