"") { $lang_cfg = ""; } // Load language strings file. $cm_languages = array ("es" => 1, "en" => 1, "nl" => 1, "de" => 1, "fr" => 1, "ct" => 1, "br" => 1); if (array_key_exists (strtolower ($langua), $cm_languages)) { $cm_langua = strtolower ($langua); include("$cm_langpath/$cm_langua.inc.php"); } else { $cm_langua = "en"; include("$cm_langpath/en.inc.php"); } // Check if we are in safe-mode... if (ini_get ("safe_mode")) { $cm_safemode = true; } else { $cm_safemode = false; } // Define User-Agent string... $cm_tmpsoftwarename = explode (" ", $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]); $cm_tmposname = explode (" ", php_uname ()); $cm_mod_useragent = "User-Agent: CMS4P/$cm_codebaseversion Phprojekt/$version " . $cm_tmpsoftwarename[0] . " " . ucwords ($db_type) . "/unknown " . $cm_tmposname[0]; $cm_mod_id = "CMS4P/$cm_codebaseversion Phprojekt/$version " . $cm_tmpsoftwarename[0] . " " . ucwords ($db_type) . "/unknown " . $cm_tmposname[0]; // Find out if there is a db prefix. if (defined ("DB_PREFIX")) { define ("CM_PP_PREFIX", DB_PREFIX); if ($cm_enable_dbprefix) { define ("CM_DB_PREFIX", DB_PREFIX); } else { define ("CM_DB_PREFIX", ""); } } else { define ("CM_PP_PREFIX", ""); define ("CM_DB_PREFIX", ""); } // Include the constraints matrix functions. include_once ($path_pre . "cm/cm_constraints.inc.php"); // Get the user-agent... $cm_http_useragent = $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]; if (!$cm_http_useragent) { $cm_http_useragent = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]; if (!$cm_http_useragent) { $cm_http_useragent = $_ENV["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]; if (!$cm_http_useragent) { $cm_http_useragent = getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT"); } else $cm_http_useragent = ""; } } $cm_php_self = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; if (!$cm_php_self) { $cm_php_self = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["PHP_SELF"]; if (!$cm_php_self) { $cm_php_self = $_ENV["PHP_SELF"]; if (!$cm_php_self) { $cm_php_self = getenv("PHP_SELF"); } else $cm_php_self = ""; } } $cm_server_name = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]; if (!$cm_server_name) { $cm_server_name = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["SERVER_NAME"]; if (!$cm_server_name) { $cm_server_name = $_ENV["SERVER_NAME"]; if (!$cm_server_name) { $cm_server_name = getenv("SERVER_NAME"); } else $cm_server_name = ""; } } // Load mimetypes. include_once ($path_pre . "cm/cm_mimetypes.inc.php"); // Set current skin. if (($skin) && ($skin != "default") && (!$cm_force_skin)) { $cm_skin = $skin; } elseif ($cm_default_skin) { $cm_skin = $cm_default_skin; } else { $cm_skin = "cm_gnome"; } // Set image location. if (($cm_skin) && is_readable ("$cm_skinpath/$cm_skin")) { include_once ("$cm_skinpath/$cm_skin/cm_filetypes.inc.php"); include_once ("$cm_skinpath/$cm_skin/cm_images.inc.php"); } else { include_once ("$cm_skinpath/cm_gnome/cm_filetypes.inc.php"); include_once ("$cm_skinpath/cm_gnome/cm_images.inc.php"); } // Set CSS file. if (($cm_skin) && is_readable ($path_pre . "layout/$cm_skin/css/cm-style.css")) { $css_style = $path_pre . "layout/$cm_skin/css/cm-style.css"; $css_txt_style = $path_pre . "layout/$cm_skin/css/cm-styletxt.css"; } elseif (($cm_skin) && is_readable ("$cm_skinpath/$cm_skin/cm-style.css")) { $css_style = "$cm_skinpath/$cm_skin/cm-style.css"; $css_txt_style = "$cm_skinpath/$cm_skin/cm-styletxt.css"; } else { $css_style = "$cm_skinpath/cm_gnome/cm-style.css"; $css_txt_style = "$cm_skinpath/cm_gnome/cm-styletxt.css"; } $css_pngfix = $path_pre . "cm/pngbehavior.css"; // Define default HTML header, footer and tabs coding. $cm_html_header = "\n{$cm_text["contentmanagement"]} \n"; if ($cm_enable_pngfix) $cm_html_header .= "\n"; $cm_html_header .= "$lang_cfg\n\n \n"; $cm_html_footer = "\n
$user_kurz ($langua, $cm_langua, $lcfg): $cm_currentversion
\n\n"; $cm_print_header = "\n{$cm_text["contentmanagement"]} \n$lang_cfg\n\n \n\n"; $cm_print_footer = "

$user_kurz ($langua, $cm_langua, $lcfg): $cm_currentversion

\n\n"; $cm_nav_mouseover=""; // Legacy definitions for PP3.3 navigation. $cm_nav_pre1=""; $cm_nav_pre2=""; $cm_nav_post1=" "; $cm_nav_post2=" "; $cm_nav_slicer=""; // Define some constants. define ("CM_MSGSTYLE_WARNING", 1); define ("CM_MSGSTYLE_ERROR", 2); define ("CM_MSGSTYLE_INFORMATION", 3); define ("CM_MSGSTYLE_QUESTION", 4); define ("CM_HITTYPE_PAGE", "p"); define ("CM_HITTYPE_FILE", "f"); define ("CM_HITTYPE_ELINK", "l"); define ("CM_HITTYPE_SYND", "s"); define ("CM_HITTYPE_CONTENTLESS", "b"); define ("CM_HITTYPE_ANNOUNCE", "w"); define ("CM_MIN_RATE", 1); //This must be higher than 0 define ("CM_MAX_RATE", 5); define ("CM_APPLOG_ADD_ROOT", 1); define ("CM_APPLOG_ADD_PAGE", 2); define ("CM_APPLOG_DEL_PAGE", 3); define ("CM_APPLOG_EDIT_PAGE", 4); define ("CM_APPLOG_POST_COMMENT", 5); define ("CM_APPLOG_ERROR", 6); define ("CM_APPLOG_GET_SYND", 7); define ("CM_APPLOG_FILE", 8); define ("CM_APPLOG_EDIT_SECURITY", 10); define ("CM_APPLOG_INFO", 11); define ("CM_APPLOG_CHECKER", 12); define ("CM_APPLOG_RATE_PAGE", 13); define ("CM_APPLOG_EDIT_SYND", 14); define ("CM_MAX_LOGO_SIZE", 20480); define ("CM_DEFAULT_MARKUP", "#SHORTINDEX#"); define ("CM_MAX_SYNDLEN", 60); define ("CM_DEBUGLOG_FILENAME", "cms.log"); function fcm_getmicrotime () { list ($usec, $sec) = explode (" ", microtime ()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } function fcm_dbglog ($cm_dbgmod) { $cm_dbglogf = fopen (CM_DEBUGLOG_FILENAME, 'a'); fwrite ($cm_dbglogf, $cm_dbgmod . "\n"); fclose ($cm_dbglogf); } // fcm_user_groups // Build an array of the group the user belongs to. // If the setup is groupless, an empty array is returned. function fcm_user_groups ($cm_username) { global $groups; $cm_groups = array (); if ($groups) { $cm_row_count = 0; $result2 = db_query ("select ID, kurz from " . CM_PP_PREFIX . "users where kurz = '$cm_username'") or db_die(); $row2 = db_fetch_row ($result2); $result1 = db_query ("select user_ID, " . CM_PP_PREFIX . "gruppen.kurz from " . CM_PP_PREFIX . "grup_user, " . CM_PP_PREFIX . "gruppen where " . CM_PP_PREFIX . "grup_user.user_ID = '$row2[0]' and " . CM_PP_PREFIX . "grup_user.grup_ID = " . CM_PP_PREFIX . "gruppen.ID") or db_die(); while ($row1 = db_fetch_row ($result1)) { $cm_groups[$cm_row_count] = $row1[1]; $cm_row_count++; } } return ($cm_groups); }; // fcm_access_sqldef // Build a SQL string of conditions to restrict the query to the groups // the user belongs to. // This string is concatenated to the SQL query after all other conditions. function fcm_access_sqldef ($cm_username) { $cm_access_def = ""; if (!fcm_check_anyglobal (CM_SEC_DISPLA, $cm_username, CM_SEC_SDIR)) { $cm_user_groups = fcm_user_groups ($cm_username); foreach ($cm_user_groups as $cm_cur_acc_group) { $cm_access_def .= " or cmdb_viewer_group = '$cm_cur_acc_group'"; } if ($cm_access_def) { $cm_access_def = " and (" . substr ($cm_access_def, 4) . " or cmdb_viewer_group = '')"; } } return ($cm_access_def); }; // fcm_doc_summary // Displays the summary at the beginning of all pages. // You must already have the information, this function only display data, // don't search for it. function fcm_doc_summary ($cm_uauthor, $cm_uowner, $cm_gviewer, $cm_dcreation, $cm_dupdate, $cm_title, $cm_keywords, $cm_summary, $cm_totalvisits, $cm_updatevisits, $cm_rating) { global $cm_text, $cm_imgpath; echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo "


"; echo "
"; echo "{$cm_text["owner"]}: " . fcm_unspecialchars ($cm_uowner) . "
"; echo "{$cm_text["visibleto"]}: " . fcm_unspecialchars ($cm_gviewer) . "
"; echo "{$cm_text["update"]}: " . substr ($cm_dupdate, 0, 10) . "
"; echo "{$cm_text["visits"]}: " . $cm_totalvisits . " / " . $cm_updatevisits . "
"; if ($cm_rating) { echo "{$cm_text["averagerating"]}: " . str_repeat ("\"*\"", $cm_rating) . " (" . round ($cm_rating, 1) . ")"; } echo "
"; if ($cm_summary) { echo "$cm_summary
"; } echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; } // fcm_doc_txtsummary // Displays the summary at the beginning of all pages. // You must already have the information, this function only display data, // don't search for it. This is the printable version. function fcm_doc_txtsummary ($cm_uauthor, $cm_uowner, $cm_gviewer, $cm_dcreation, $cm_dupdate, $cm_title, $cm_keywords, $cm_summary, $cm_totalvisits, $cm_updatevisits, $cm_rating) { global $cm_text, $cm_imgpath; echo "


"; echo "

{$cm_text["owner"]}: " . fcm_unspecialchars ($cm_uowner) . "
"; echo "{$cm_text["visibleto"]}: " . fcm_unspecialchars ($cm_gviewer) . "
"; echo "{$cm_text["update"]}: " . substr ($cm_dupdate, 0, 10) . "
"; echo "{$cm_text["visits"]}: " . $cm_totalvisits . " / " . $cm_updatevisits . "
"; if ($cm_rating) { echo "{$cm_text["averagerating"]}: " . str_repeat ("*", $cm_rating) . " (" . round ($cm_rating, 1) . ")"; } if ($cm_summary) { echo "
$cm_summary"; } echo "

"; } // fcm_bread_crumbs // Generates the bread crumbs navigation links for a given page/directory. function fcm_bread_crumbs ($cm_path, $cm_crumb_separator, $cm_crumb_active) { global $cm_text; $cm_crumb_separator = fcm_htmlentity ($cm_crumb_separator); if ($cm_crumb_active) { $cm_breadcrumbs_str = "{$cm_text["root"]}"; } else { $cm_breadcrumbs_str = $cm_text["root"]; } $cm_displaynodes = explode ("/", substr ($cm_path, 1)); $cm_displaypath = ""; foreach ($cm_displaynodes as $cm_path_node) { $cm_displaypath .= "/" . $cm_path_node; $result1 = db_query("select cmdb_directory, cmdb_short_title, cmdb_abstract from " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "content3 where cmdb_directory like '$cm_displaypath'") or db_die(); $row1 = db_fetch_row($result1); if ($row1[1]) { if ($cm_crumb_active) { $cm_breadcrumbs_str .= " $cm_crumb_separator $row1[1]"; } else { $cm_breadcrumbs_str .= " $cm_crumb_separator $row1[1]"; } } else { if ($cm_crumb_active) { $cm_breadcrumbs_str .= " $cm_crumb_separator $cm_path_node"; } else { $cm_breadcrumbs_str .= " $cm_crumb_separator $cm_path_node"; } } } return ($cm_breadcrumbs_str); } // fcm_title_nav2 // Displays the navigation bars. You must already have the information, this // function won't search for it. You must call it with the path of the page, and // permissions for current user in the current location. Usually you can get these // values from the array returned from fcm_check_validops function. function fcm_title_nav2 ($cm_path, $cm_cancreate = false, $cm_candelete = false, $cm_canedit = false, $cm_canview = false, $cm_canpost = false, $cm_canprint = false, $cm_issuperuser = false, $cm_canrate = false) { global $cm_text, $cm_imgpath, $cm_control_iconwidth, $cm_control_iconheight, $cm_image_filename, $cm_icon_set, $cm_text_icons; echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
 "; echo fcm_bread_crumbs ($cm_path, ">", true); echo ""; if ($cm_text_icons) { if ($cm_issuperuser) { echo " {$cm_text["enterconsole"]} \n"; } if ($cm_canprint) { echo " {$cm_text["printablepage"]} \n"; } echo " {$cm_text["listdirs"]} \n"; echo " {$cm_text["search"]} \n"; echo " {$cm_text["stats"]} \n"; if ($cm_canpost) { echo " {$cm_text["postcomment"]} \n"; } if ($cm_canrate) { echo " {$cm_text["rateabout"]} \n"; } echo "
\n"; if ($cm_canedit) { echo " {$cm_text["editdoc"]} \n"; echo " {$cm_text["managefiles"]} \n"; } if ($cm_candelete) { echo " {$cm_text["deletedoc"]} \n"; } if ($cm_cancreate) { echo " {$cm_text["createdoc"]} \n"; } } else { if ($cm_issuperuser) { echo " \"{$cm_text["enterconsole"]}\" \n"; } if ($cm_canprint) { echo " \"{$cm_text["printablepage"]}\" \n"; } echo " \"{$cm_text["listdirs"]}\" \n"; echo " \"{$cm_text["search"]}\" \n"; echo " \"{$cm_text["stats"]}\" \n"; if ($cm_canpost) { echo " \"{$cm_text["postcomment"]}\" \n"; } if ($cm_canrate) { echo " \"{$cm_text["rateabout"]}\" \n"; } echo "
\n"; if ($cm_canedit) { echo " \"{$cm_text["editdoc"]}\" \n"; echo " \"{$cm_text["managefiles"]}\" \n"; } if ($cm_candelete) { echo " \"{$cm_text["deletedoc"]}\" \n"; } if ($cm_cancreate) { echo " \"{$cm_text["createdoc"]}\" \n"; } } echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; }; // fcm_articlelist_box // Displays the title and summary of a page, usually for the index listings. // You must have already the information, this function won't search it. // You must call it with the path, title, abstract, date (usually last update), // total comments, total visits and if the page is a header (usually only for // the first level directories). function fcm_articlelist_box ($cm_path, $cm_boxtitle, $cm_boxabstract, $cm_boxdate, $cm_isheader, $cm_comments = 0, $cm_visits = 0, $cm_rating = 0, $cm_iscontentless = false, $cm_isannounce = false, $cm_logoimage = "", $cm_show_crumbs = false) { global $cm_text, $cm_imgpath, $cm_doclogo_width, $cm_doclogo_height, $cm_icon_set, $cm_image_filename; if ($cm_isannounce) { echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; } elseif ($cm_isheader) { echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; } else { echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; } if ($cm_logoimage) { $cm_logo_status = fcm_check_logoimage ($cm_path, $cm_logoimage); if (!(($cm_logo_status[0] & 16) || ($cm_logo_status[0] & 64))) { if ($cm_iscontentless) { echo "\"$cm_boxtitle\""; } else { echo "\"$cm_boxtitle\""; } if ($cm_isheader) { echo "\n"; } elseif ($cm_isannounce) { echo "\n"; } else { echo "\n"; } } } if (!$cm_boxtitle) { $cm_boxtitle = "{$cm_text["untitled"]} ($cm_path)"; } if ($cm_iscontentless) { echo "$cm_boxtitle\n"; } else { echo "$cm_boxtitle\n"; } if (!$cm_isheader) { echo " [ " . substr ($cm_boxdate, 0, 10) . " "; if ($cm_comments && !$cm_iscontentless) { echo "| {$cm_text["totalcomments"]}: $cm_comments "; } if ($cm_visits && !$cm_iscontentless) { echo "| {$cm_text["visits"]}: $cm_visits "; } if ($cm_rating && !$cm_iscontentless) { echo "| " . str_repeat ("\"*\"", $cm_rating); } echo " ]
\n"; } echo "   $cm_boxabstract
\n"; if ($cm_show_crumbs) { echo "" . fcm_bread_crumbs ($cm_path, ">", false) . ""; } echo "
"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; }; // fcm_echo_articlelist_box // Similar to fcm_articlelist_box, this function won't display it but will // store the HTML code in a string, to be included later in a page. This is // used when interpreting the content of a page. function fcm_echo_articlelist_box ($cm_path, $cm_boxtitle, $cm_boxabstract, $cm_boxdate, $cm_comments = 0, $cm_visits = 0, $cm_rating = 0, $cm_iscontentless = false, $cm_isannounce = false, $cm_logoimage = "") { global $cm_text, $cm_imgpath, $cm_doclogo_width, $cm_doclogo_height, $cm_icon_set, $cm_image_filename; $cm_boxstring = ""; if ($cm_isannounce) { $cm_boxstring .= "
\n"; $cm_boxstring .= "
\n"; } else { $cm_boxstring .= "
\n"; $cm_boxstring .= "
\n"; } if ($cm_logoimage) { $cm_logo_status = fcm_check_logoimage ($cm_path, $cm_logoimage); if (!(($cm_logo_status[0] & 16) || ($cm_logo_status[0] & 64))) { if ($cm_iscontentless) { $cm_boxstring .= "\"$cm_boxtitle\""; } else { $cm_boxstring .= "\"$cm_boxtitle\""; } if ($cm_isannounce) { $cm_boxstring .= "\n"; } else { $cm_boxstring .= "\n"; } } } if (!$cm_boxtitle) { $cm_boxtitle = "{$cm_text["untitled"]} ($cm_path)"; } if ($cm_iscontentless) { $cm_boxstring .= "$cm_boxtitle\n"; } else { $cm_boxstring .= "$cm_boxtitle\n"; } $cm_boxstring .= " [ " . substr ($cm_boxdate, 0, 10) . " "; if ($cm_comments && !$cm_iscontentless) { $cm_boxstring .= "| {$cm_text["totalcomments"]}: $cm_comments "; } if ($cm_visits && !$cm_iscontentless) { $cm_boxstring .= "| {$cm_text["visits"]}: $cm_visits "; } if ($cm_rating && !$cm_iscontentless) { $cm_boxstring .= "| " . str_repeat ("\"*\"", $cm_rating); } $cm_boxstring .= " ]
\n"; $cm_boxstring .= "   $cm_boxabstract
\n"; if ($cm_show_crumbs) { $cm_boxstring .= "" . fcm_bread_crumbs ($cm_path, ">", false) . ""; } $cm_boxstring .= "
"; $cm_boxstring .= "
\n"; $cm_boxstring .= "
\n"; return $cm_boxstring; }; // fcm_articlelist_nostyle // Displays the title and summary of a page, usually for the index listings. // It works like fcm_articlelist_box but without the CMS style classes. // It uses the Phprojekt colors. function fcm_articlelist_nostyle ($cm_path, $cm_boxtitle, $cm_boxabstract, $cm_boxdate, $cm_iscontentless = false, $cm_isannounce = false, $cm_list_width = "100%", $cm_rowcolor, $cm_hovercolor) { global $cm_text, $cm_imgpath, $cm_doclogo_width, $cm_doclogo_height, $cm_show_rootinnav; echo ""; if ((!$cm_iscontentless) && $cm_hovercolor) { echo "\n"; } else { echo "\n"; } echo "
\n"; if (!$cm_boxtitle) { $cm_boxtitle = "{$cm_text["untitled"]} ($cm_path)"; } if ($cm_iscontentless) { echo "$cm_boxtitle\n"; } else { if (($cm_show_rootinnav) && (substr_count ($cm_path, "/") == 1)) { echo "$cm_boxtitle\n"; } else { echo "$cm_boxtitle\n"; } } echo " [ " . substr ($cm_boxdate, 0, 10) . " ]\n"; echo "  $cm_boxabstract\n"; echo "
\n"; }; // fcm_message // Displays a message for the user. According to the category, it will display // the message in a colored box (colors are controled by the CSS file) and an // icon. function fcm_message ($cm_message, $cm_msgstyle) { global $cm_text, $cm_imgpath, $cm_msg_iconwidth, $cm_msg_iconheight, $cm_image_filename, $cm_icon_set; switch ($cm_msgstyle) { case CM_MSGSTYLE_INFORMATION: $cm_msg_borderclass = "infomessageboxborder"; $cm_msg_class = "infomessagebox"; $cm_msg_icon = $cm_image_filename[$cm_icon_set]["dialog_info"]; $cm_msg_iconalt = $cm_text["iconaltinfo"]; break; case CM_MSGSTYLE_WARNING: $cm_msg_borderclass = "warningmessageboxborder"; $cm_msg_class = "warningmessagebox"; $cm_msg_icon = $cm_image_filename[$cm_icon_set]["dialog_warning"]; $cm_msg_iconalt = $cm_text["iconaltwarn"]; break; case CM_MSGSTYLE_ERROR: $cm_msg_borderclass = "errormessageboxborder"; $cm_msg_class = "errormessagebox"; $cm_msg_icon = $cm_image_filename[$cm_icon_set]["dialog_error"]; $cm_msg_iconalt = $cm_text["iconalterror"]; break; case CM_MSGSTYLE_QUESTION: $cm_msg_borderclass = "infomessageboxborder"; $cm_msg_class = "infomessagebox"; $cm_msg_icon = $cm_image_filename[$cm_icon_set]["dialog_question"]; $cm_msg_iconalt = $cm_text["iconaltquestion"]; break; default: $cm_msg_borderclass = "defaultmessageboxborder"; $cm_msg_class = "defaultmessagebox"; $cm_msg_icon = $cm_image_filename[$cm_icon_set]["dialog_default"]; $cm_msg_iconalt = $cm_text["iconaltinfo"]; } echo "
"; echo "
\n"; echo "\"$cm_msg_iconalt\""; echo "\n"; echo "$cm_message"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; }; // fcm_conv_multiline // Searches for $cm_mksymbol in $cm_source_string, if found outputs $cm_delimiter // and change state of $cm_laststate. Next time searches for $cm_mksymbol in // $cm_source_string and if found outputs $cm_delimiter2. // Used for markup that starts and ends with the same code and spans several // lines (like PREFORMATED). function fcm_conv_multiline ($cm_source_string, $cm_delimiter, $cm_delimiter2, $cm_mksymbol, &$cm_laststate) { $cm_mkpos = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol); if ($cm_mkpos === 0) { if ($cm_laststate) { $cm_laststate = false; return substr ($cm_source_string, strlen ($cm_mksymbol)) . $cm_delimiter2; } else { $cm_laststate = true; return $cm_delimiter . substr ($cm_source_string, strlen ($cm_mksymbol)); } } return $cm_source_string; }; // fcm_conv_block // Searches for $cm_mksymbol in $cm_source_string only at the beginning of string, // if found outputs $cm_delimiter before and after $cm_source_string. If // $cm_mksymbol is empty, just outputs the delimiters and the string. // Used for markup that requires only a code at the beginning of the line. function fcm_conv_block ($cm_source_string, $cm_delimiter, $cm_delimiter2, $cm_mksymbol) { if (($cm_source_string == "") || ($cm_source_string == "\r") || ($cm_source_string == "\n")) { return ""; } if ($cm_mksymbol == "") { return $cm_delimiter . $cm_source_string . $cm_delimiter2; } $cm_mkpos = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol); if ($cm_mkpos === 0) { return $cm_delimiter . substr ($cm_source_string, strlen ($cm_mksymbol)) . $cm_delimiter2; } return $cm_source_string; }; // fcm_conv_inline // Searches for $cm_mksymbol1 and $cm_mksymbol2 in $cm_source_string. If found // outputs $cm_delimiter before and $cm_delimiter2 after the positions of the // markup code. If only one markup code is found, it's ignored. // The markup codes (mksymbols) must be asymetric two-characters strings. // Used for markup that opens and closes around a segment of a string (like bold, // italics, etc). function fcm_conv_inline ($cm_source_string, $cm_delimiter, $cm_delimiter2, $cm_mksymbol1, $cm_mksymbol2) { if (($cm_source_string == "") || ($cm_source_string == "\r") || ($cm_source_string == "\n")) { return ""; } $cm_convstr = ""; $cm_a = 0; $cm_b = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol1, $cm_a); $cm_c = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol2, $cm_a); while (($cm_b !== false) && ($cm_c !== false)) { $cm_convstr .= substr ($cm_source_string, $cm_a, $cm_b - $cm_a + 1); $cm_convstr .= $cm_delimiter; $cm_convstr .= substr ($cm_source_string, $cm_b + 2, $cm_c - $cm_b - 2); $cm_convstr .= $cm_delimiter2; $cm_a = $cm_c + 1; $cm_b = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol1, $cm_a); $cm_c = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol2, $cm_a); } $cm_convstr .= substr ($cm_source_string, $cm_a); if ($cm_convstr) { return $cm_convstr; } else { return $cm_source_string; } }; // fcm_conv_emoticons // Searches for emoticons in $cm_source_string. If found outputs image tags // according to a predefined array. function fcm_conv_emoticons ($cm_source_string) { global $cm_imgpath, $cm_emoticon_iconwidth, $cm_emoticon_iconheight, $cm_convert_emoticons, $cm_image_filename, $cm_icon_set; if ($cm_convert_emoticons) { if (($cm_source_string == "") || ($cm_source_string == "\r") || ($cm_source_string == "\n")) { return ""; } $cm_emoticons = array (" :)", " :P", " :p", " :(", " :'(", " :,(", " =)", " ;)", " :O", " :o", " :D", " :\\", " :/", " :|"); $cm_emotimages = array ($cm_image_filename[$cm_icon_set]["emoticon_smile"], $cm_image_filename[$cm_icon_set]["emoticon_tongue"], $cm_image_filename[$cm_icon_set]["emoticon_tongue"], $cm_image_filename[$cm_icon_set]["emoticon_sad"], $cm_image_filename[$cm_icon_set]["emoticon_cry"], $cm_image_filename[$cm_icon_set]["emoticon_cry"], $cm_image_filename[$cm_icon_set]["emoticon_happy"], $cm_image_filename[$cm_icon_set]["emoticon_wink"], $cm_image_filename[$cm_icon_set]["emoticon_oh"], $cm_image_filename[$cm_icon_set]["emoticon_oh"], $cm_image_filename[$cm_icon_set]["emoticon_laugh"], $cm_image_filename[$cm_icon_set]["emoticon_wry"], $cm_image_filename[$cm_icon_set]["emoticon_wry"], $cm_image_filename[$cm_icon_set]["emoticon_serious"]); for ($cm_ci = 0; $cm_ci < count ($cm_emoticons); $cm_ci++) { $cm_source_string = str_replace ($cm_emoticons[$cm_ci], " \"$cm_emoticons[$cm_ci]\"", $cm_source_string); } } return $cm_source_string; }; // fcm_conv_images // Searches for $cm_mksymbol1 and $cm_mksymbol2 in $cm_source_string. If found // outputs image tags with the data from the enclosed markup code. The enclosed // data is split in two by $cm_mksymbol3 (if exist). The first part is used as // URL and the second (if exist) as alternate text. If the first part begins // with a dot, then the URL is constructed as local with $cm_currentpath. // If only one markup code is found, it's ignored. // The markup codes (mksymbols) must be asymetric two-characters strings. // Used for markup of images that opens and closes around a segment of a string. function fcm_conv_images ($cm_currentpath, $cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol1, $cm_mksymbol2, $cm_mksymbol3) { global $cm_mainroot; $cm_convstr = ""; $cm_imgurl = ""; $cm_islocal = false; $cm_a = 0; $cm_b = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol1, $cm_a); $cm_c = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol2, $cm_a); $cm_d = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol3, $cm_b); while (($cm_b !== false) && ($cm_c !== false)) { if (($cm_d !== false) && ($cm_d < $cm_c)) { $cm_imgurl = substr ($cm_source_string, ($cm_b + 2), ($cm_d - $cm_b - 2)); if ($cm_imgurl{0} == ".") { $cm_islocal = true; $cm_imgurl = substr ($cm_imgurl, 1); } $cm_imgtitle = substr ($cm_source_string, ($cm_d + 1), ($cm_c - $cm_d - 1)); } else { $cm_imgurl = substr ($cm_source_string, ($cm_b + 2), ($cm_c - $cm_b - 2)); if ($cm_imgurl{0} == ".") { $cm_islocal = true; $cm_imgurl = substr ($cm_imgurl, 1); } $cm_imgtitle = ""; } $cm_convstr .= substr ($cm_source_string, $cm_a, $cm_b - $cm_a); if (substr ($cm_imgurl, -1) == ",") { $cm_imgurl = substr ($cm_imgurl, 0, -1); } if ($cm_islocal) { $cm_convstr .= "\"""; } else { $cm_convstr .= "\"""; } $cm_a = $cm_c + 2; $cm_b = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol1, $cm_a); $cm_c = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol2, $cm_a); $cm_d = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol3, $cm_b); } $cm_convstr .= substr ($cm_source_string, $cm_a); if ($cm_convstr) { return $cm_convstr; } else { return $cm_source_string; } }; // fcm_conv_links // Searches for $cm_mksymbol1 and $cm_mksymbol2 in $cm_source_string. If found // outputs link tags with the data from the enclosed markup code. The enclosed // data is split in two by $cm_mksymbol3 (if exist). The first part is used as // URL and the second (if exist) as link text. If the first part begins // with a dot, then the URL is constructed as local with $cm_currentpath. // If the second part is absent, then the link text is the URL. // If only one markup code is found, it's ignored. If $cm_newwin is set, the // created link uses a _blank target to open it in a new window. // The markup codes (mksymbols) must be asymetric two-characters strings. // Used for markup of links that opens and closes around a segment of a string. function fcm_conv_links ($cm_currentpath, $cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol1, $cm_mksymbol2, $cm_mksymbol3, $cm_newwin) { global $cm_mainroot; $cm_convstr = ""; $cm_linkurl = ""; $cm_linktitle = ""; $cm_islocal = false; $cm_isredirable = false; $cm_a = 0; $cm_b = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol1, $cm_a); $cm_c = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol2, $cm_a); $cm_d = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol3, $cm_b); while (($cm_b !== false) && ($cm_c !== false)) { if (($cm_d !== false) && ($cm_d < $cm_c)) { $cm_linkurl = substr ($cm_source_string, ($cm_b + 2), ($cm_d - $cm_b - 2)); if ($cm_linkurl{0} == ".") { $cm_islocal = true; $cm_linkurl = substr ($cm_linkurl, 1); } $cm_linktitle = substr ($cm_source_string, ($cm_d + 1), ($cm_c - $cm_d - 1)); } else { $cm_linkurl = substr ($cm_source_string, ($cm_b + 2), ($cm_c - $cm_b - 2)); if ($cm_linkurl{0} == ".") { $cm_islocal = true; $cm_linktitle = substr ($cm_linkurl, 1); $cm_linkurl = substr ($cm_linkurl, 1); } else { $cm_linktitle = $cm_linkurl; } } $cm_convstr .= substr ($cm_source_string, $cm_a, $cm_b - $cm_a); if (substr ($cm_linkurl, -1) == ",") { $cm_linkurl = substr ($cm_linkurl, 0, -1); } if (substr ($cm_linktitle, -1) == ",") { $cm_linktitle = substr ($cm_linktitle, 0, -1); } if (eregi ('http:|https:', $cm_linkurl)) { $cm_isredirable = true; } if ($cm_islocal) { if ($cm_newwin) { $cm_convstr .= "" . $cm_linktitle . ""; } else { $cm_convstr .= "" . $cm_linktitle . ""; } } else { if ($cm_isredirable) { if ($cm_newwin) { $cm_convstr .= "" . $cm_linktitle . ""; } else { $cm_convstr .= "" . $cm_linktitle . ""; } } else { if ($cm_newwin) { $cm_convstr .= "" . $cm_linktitle . ""; } else { $cm_convstr .= "" . $cm_linktitle . ""; } } } $cm_a = $cm_c + 2; $cm_b = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol1, $cm_a); $cm_c = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol2, $cm_a); $cm_d = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol3, $cm_b); } $cm_convstr .= substr ($cm_source_string, $cm_a); if ($cm_convstr) { return $cm_convstr; } else { return $cm_source_string; } }; // fcm_conv_index // Searches $cm_mksymbol in $cm_source_string. If found, query the database // searching for the next lower-level directories and calls fcm_echo_articlelist_box // to create an index listing of pages. If no page is found, then just output // a "no docs available". If $cm_level is zero it will search all lower directories, // otherwise it will show only the next level. (The exception are announces, which are // always displayed regardless of the level). function fcm_conv_index ($cm_currentpath, $cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol, $cm_level) { global $cm_text; global $user_kurz; $cm_convstr = ""; $cm_mkpos = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol, 0); if ($cm_mkpos !== false) { $cm_pppos = strrpos ($cm_currentpath, "/"); if ($cm_pppos == 0) { $cm_tl_path = "/"; } else { $cm_tl_path = substr ($cm_currentpath, 0, $cm_pppos); } $result2 = db_query("select cmdb_title, cmdb_directory, cmdb_parentdir, cmdb_abstract, cmdb_date_update, cmdb_type, cmdb_logo from " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "content3 where cmdb_parentdir like '$cm_currentpath%' and cmdb_type like '%" . CM_HITTYPE_ANNOUNCE . "%' " . fcm_access_sqldef ($user_kurz) . " order by cmdb_date_update desc") or db_die(); while ($row2 = db_fetch_row($result2)) { $cm_convstr .= fcm_echo_articlelist_box ($row2[1], $row2[0], $row2[3], $row2[4], fcm_get_totalcomments ($row2[1]), fcm_get_totalhits ($row2[1], CM_HITTYPE_PAGE), fcm_getaverage_rating ($row2[1]), fcm_is_cleditable ($row2[1], $user_kurz, $row2[5]), true, $row2[6], false); } if ($cm_level) { $result2 = db_query("select cmdb_title, cmdb_directory, cmdb_parentdir, cmdb_abstract, cmdb_date_update, cmdb_type, cmdb_logo from " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "content3 where cmdb_parentdir like '$cm_currentpath' and cmdb_type like '%" . CM_HITTYPE_PAGE . "%' and cmdb_type not like '%" . CM_HITTYPE_ANNOUNCE . "%' " . fcm_access_sqldef ($user_kurz) . " order by cmdb_date_update desc") or db_die(); } else { $result2 = db_query("select cmdb_title, cmdb_directory, cmdb_parentdir, cmdb_abstract, cmdb_date_update, cmdb_type, cmdb_logo from " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "content3 where cmdb_directory like '$cm_currentpath/%' and cmdb_type like '%" . CM_HITTYPE_PAGE . "%' and cmdb_type not like '%" . CM_HITTYPE_ANNOUNCE . "%' " . fcm_access_sqldef ($user_kurz) . " order by cmdb_date_update desc") or db_die(); } while ($row2 = db_fetch_row($result2)) { $cm_convstr .= fcm_echo_articlelist_box ($row2[1], $row2[0], $row2[3], $row2[4], fcm_get_totalcomments ($row2[1]), fcm_get_totalhits ($row2[1], CM_HITTYPE_PAGE), fcm_getaverage_rating ($row2[1]), fcm_is_cleditable ($row2[1], $user_kurz, $row2[5]), false, $row2[6], false); } if (!$cm_convstr) { $cm_convstr .= "


"; } } if ($cm_convstr) { return $cm_convstr; } else { return $cm_source_string; } }; // fcm_conv_fileindex // Searches $cm_mksymbol in $cm_source_string. If found, reads the page's // directory and creates a file listing with icons. If no files are found, // outputs nothing. function fcm_conv_fileindex ($cm_currentpath, $cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol) { global $cm_text, $cm_disabled_type; global $cm_mainroot, $cm_jpegprefix_file, $cm_show_thumbsinlisting, $cm_imgpath; global $cm_file_iconname, $cm_filelist_iconwidth, $cm_filelist_iconheight, $cm_icon_set; $cm_indexpath = $cm_mainroot . $cm_currentpath . "/"; $cm_convstr = ""; $cm_sorteddir = array (); $cm_mkpos = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol, 0); if (($cm_mkpos !== false) && (file_exists ($cm_indexpath))) { $cm_convstr .= ""; $cm_convstr .= ""; $cm_dirhandle = opendir($cm_indexpath); while (($file = readdir($cm_dirhandle)) !== false) $cm_sorteddir[count($cm_sorteddir)] = $file; closedir($cm_dirhandle); natcasesort($cm_sorteddir); $cm_curcolor = "gfilecolor1"; foreach ($cm_sorteddir as $file) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && ((!eregi ("^" . $cm_jpegprefix_file, strtolower ($file))) || ($cm_show_thumbsinlisting))) { if (!is_dir ($cm_indexpath . $file)) { $cm_fileext = (string) substr (strrchr (strtolower ($file), "."), 1); if (!array_key_exists ($cm_fileext, $cm_disabled_type)) { if (isset ($cm_file_iconname[$cm_icon_set][$cm_fileext])) { $cm_fileicon = $cm_file_iconname[$cm_icon_set][$cm_fileext]; } else { $cm_fileicon = $cm_file_iconname[$cm_icon_set]["default"]; } $cm_convstr .= ""; $cm_convstr .= ""; $cm_convstr .= ""; $cm_convstr .= ""; $cm_convstr .= ""; $cm_curcolor = fcm_swap_rowcolor ($cm_curcolor, "gfilecolor1", "gfilecolor2"); } } } } $cm_convstr .= "
\"\"" . $file . "" . round (filesize ($cm_indexpath . $file) / 1024) . " k" . date ("Y-m-d H:i:s", filemtime ($cm_indexpath . $file)) . "" . fcm_get_updatehits ($cm_currentpath . "/" . $file, CM_HITTYPE_FILE) . "
"; } if ($cm_convstr) { return $cm_convstr; } else { return $cm_source_string; } }; // fcm_create_thumbnail // It creates a thumbnail from a JPEG file. // It will create a jpeg thumbnail using the prefix defined in the // configuration. It will try to use the true color functions if // enabled and available. This function will try to keep the // aspect ration of the image so the final image may not have the // exact dimensions defined in the arguments. function fcm_create_thumbnail ($cm_image_path, $cm_image_filename, $cm_new_filename, $cm_maxX, $cm_maxY) { global $cm_enable_gd, $cm_jpeg_truecolors, $cm_jpeg_quality; if ($cm_enable_gd) { if (!file_exists ($cm_image_path . $cm_new_filename)) { $cm_maxX = abs ($cm_maxX); $cm_maxY = abs ($cm_maxY); $cm_outjpeg = fopen($cm_image_path . $cm_new_filename, "w"); $cm_outjpeg = fclose($cm_outjpeg); if (function_exists ("imagecreatefromjpeg") && function_exists ("imagejpeg")) { $cm_jpeg_dimensions = getimagesize ($cm_image_path . $cm_image_filename); $cm_jpeg_oldX = $cm_jpeg_dimensions [0]; $cm_jpeg_oldY = $cm_jpeg_dimensions [1]; $cm_jpeg_newX = $cm_jpeg_oldX; $cm_jpeg_newY = $cm_jpeg_oldY; $cm_jpeg_Xratio = ($cm_jpeg_oldX / $cm_maxX); $cm_jpeg_Yratio = ($cm_jpeg_oldY / $cm_maxY); if ($cm_jpeg_Xratio > $cm_jpeg_Yratio) { $cm_jpeg_newX = round ($cm_jpeg_oldX / $cm_jpeg_Xratio); $cm_jpeg_newY = round ($cm_jpeg_oldY / $cm_jpeg_Xratio); $cm_reduction_ratio = round ((1/$cm_jpeg_Xratio) * 100); } else { $cm_jpeg_newX = round ($cm_jpeg_oldX / $cm_jpeg_Yratio); $cm_jpeg_newY = round ($cm_jpeg_oldY / $cm_jpeg_Yratio); $cm_reduction_ratio = round ((1/$cm_jpeg_Yratio) * 100); } if ($cm_jpeg_truecolors) { $cm_swap_jpeg = imagecreatetruecolor ($cm_jpeg_newX, $cm_jpeg_newY); } else { $cm_swap_jpeg = imagecreate ($cm_jpeg_newX, $cm_jpeg_newY); } $cm_orig_jpeg = imagecreatefromjpeg($cm_image_path . $cm_image_filename); if ($cm_orig_jpeg) { if ($cm_jpeg_truecolors) { imagecopyresampled ($cm_swap_jpeg, $cm_orig_jpeg, 0, 0, 0, 0, $cm_jpeg_newX, $cm_jpeg_newY, $cm_jpeg_oldX, $cm_jpeg_oldY); } else { imagecopyresized ($cm_swap_jpeg, $cm_orig_jpeg, 0, 0, 0, 0, $cm_jpeg_newX, $cm_jpeg_newY, $cm_jpeg_oldX, $cm_jpeg_oldY); } if ($cm_swap_jpeg) { imageinterlace ($cm_swap_jpeg, 1); imagejpeg ($cm_swap_jpeg, $cm_image_path . $cm_new_filename, $cm_jpeg_quality); } } } } } }; // fcm_conv_album // Searches $cm_mksymbol in $cm_source_string. If found, reads the page's // directory, check if there are JPEG images, and creates a thumbnail for // every picture found. If the thumbnail file already exist it won't create // a new one. Then creates a table with the thumbnails and links to the // original JPEG pictures. If no files are found, outputs nothing. function fcm_conv_album ($cm_currentpath, $cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol) { global $cm_text; global $cm_mainroot, $cm_enable_gd, $cm_jpegprefix_file, $cm_jpeg_maxX, $cm_jpeg_maxY; global $cm_album_cols, $cm_jpeg_quality, $cm_jpeg_prettynames, $cm_safemode; $cm_indexpath = $cm_mainroot . $cm_currentpath . "/"; $cm_convstr = ""; $cm_sorteddir = array (); $cm_imgpos = 1; $cm_mkpos = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol, 0); if ($cm_enable_gd) { if (($cm_mkpos !== false) && (file_exists ($cm_indexpath))) { $cm_dirhandle = opendir($cm_indexpath); while (($file = readdir($cm_dirhandle)) !== false) $cm_sorteddir[count($cm_sorteddir)] = $file; closedir($cm_dirhandle); natcasesort($cm_sorteddir); $cm_convstr .= "\n"; foreach ($cm_sorteddir as $file) { if (!$cm_safemode) { @set_time_limit (60); } if (($file != ".") && ($file != "..") && eregi ("\.jpg$", strtolower ($file)) && (!eregi ("^" . $cm_jpegprefix_file, strtolower ($file)))) { $jpeg_dimensions = getimagesize ($cm_indexpath . $file); $jpeg_oldX = $jpeg_dimensions [0]; $jpeg_oldY = $jpeg_dimensions [1]; $cm_img_data = $jpeg_oldX . "x" . $jpeg_oldY . ", "; $cm_img_data .= round (filesize ($cm_indexpath . $file) / 1024) . " k"; $cm_img_altdata = $cm_img_data; $cm_img_data .= "
" . $cm_text["filehits"] . " " . fcm_get_updatehits ($cm_currentpath . "/" . $file, CM_HITTYPE_FILE); if ($cm_imgpos == 1) $cm_convstr .= "\n"; $cm_convstr .= "\n"; } else { $cm_convstr .= $file . "
$cm_img_data\n"; } if ($cm_imgpos == $cm_album_cols) { $cm_convstr .= "\n"; $cm_imgpos = 1; } else { $cm_imgpos++; } fcm_create_thumbnail ($cm_indexpath, $file, ($cm_jpegprefix_file . $file), $cm_jpeg_maxX, $cm_jpeg_maxY); } } $cm_convstr .= "
"; $cm_convstr .= "\"""; $cm_convstr .= "
"; if ($cm_jpeg_prettynames) { $cm_convstr .= ucwords (strtr (basename (strtolower ($file), ".jpg"), "_-&%", " ")) . "
"; } if ($cm_convstr) { return $cm_convstr; } else { return $cm_source_string; } } else { return $cm_source_string; } }; // fcm_conv_list // Searches for $cm_mksymbol1 in $cm_source_string, if found outputs $cm_delimiter1 // and change the "depth" of $cm_laststate to +1. // Searches for $cm_mksymbol2 in $cm_source_string, if found outputs $cm_delimiter2 // and change the "depth" of $cm_laststate to -1 only if its value is >0. // The original idea for this function courtesy of Stephen Reindl (sreindl@stephenreindl.de). function fcm_conv_list ($cm_source_string, $cm_delimiter1, $cm_delimiter2, $cm_mksymbol1, $cm_mksymbol2, &$cm_laststate) { $cm_mkpos1 = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol1); $cm_mkpos2 = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol2); if ($cm_mkpos1 === 0) { $cm_laststate++; return substr ($cm_source_string, strlen ($cm_mksymbol1)) . $cm_delimiter1; } if ($cm_mkpos2 === 0) { if ($cm_laststate > 0) { $cm_laststate--; return substr ($cm_source_string, strlen ($cm_mksymbol2)) . $cm_delimiter2; } } return $cm_source_string; }; // fcm_conv_listitem // Searches for $cm_mksymbol in $cm_source_string, if found outputs $cm_delimiter. function fcm_conv_listitem ($cm_source_string, $cm_delimiter, $cm_mksymbol) { $cm_mkpos = strpos ($cm_source_string, $cm_mksymbol); if ($cm_mkpos === 0) { return $cm_delimiter . substr ($cm_source_string, strlen ($cm_mksymbol)); } return $cm_source_string; }; // fcm_process_markup // Split $cm_markup_string in lines and call every markup-processing function to // convert the markup code to HTML code. function fcm_process_markup ($cm_markup_string, $cm_currentpath, $cm_disable_format = false) { global $cm_enable_gd; $cm_lines = explode ("\n", $cm_markup_string); $cm_mk = ""; $cm_multi = false; $cm_olist = 0; $cm_ulist = 0; foreach ($cm_lines as $cm_currentline) { $cm_origline = $cm_currentline; if (!$cm_disable_format) { $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_multiline ($cm_currentline, "
", "
", "___", $cm_multi); $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_block ($cm_currentline, "

", "

", "= "); $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_block ($cm_currentline, "

", "

", "== "); $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_block ($cm_currentline, "

", "

", "=== "); $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_block ($cm_currentline, "

", "

", "==== "); $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_block ($cm_currentline, "
", "
", "===== "); $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_block ($cm_currentline, "
", "
", "====== "); $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_list ($cm_currentline, "
    ", "
", "*[", "*]", $cm_ulist); $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_list ($cm_currentline, "
    ", "
", "#[", "#]", $cm_olist); if ($cm_ulist > 0) { $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_listitem ($cm_currentline, "
  • ", "*-"); } if ($cm_olist > 0) { $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_listitem ($cm_currentline, "
  • ", "#-"); } if (($cm_currentline == $cm_origline) && ($cm_multi == false)) { $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_block ($cm_currentline, "

    ", "

    ", ""); } $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_inline ($cm_currentline, "", "", " *", "* "); $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_inline ($cm_currentline, "", "", " _", "_ "); $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_links ($cm_currentpath, $cm_currentline, "[[", "]]", " ", false); $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_links ($cm_currentpath, $cm_currentline, "{{", "}}", " ", true); $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_images ($cm_currentpath, $cm_currentline, "((", "))", " "); } $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_inline ($cm_currentline, "
    ", "
    ", " %", "% "); $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_index ($cm_currentpath, $cm_currentline, "#INDEX#", 0); $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_index ($cm_currentpath, $cm_currentline, "#SHORTINDEX#", 1); $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_fileindex ($cm_currentpath, $cm_currentline, "#FILES#"); if ($cm_enable_gd) { $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_album ($cm_currentpath, $cm_currentline, "#ALBUM#"); } else { $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_fileindex ($cm_currentpath, $cm_currentline, "#ALBUM#"); } $cm_currentline = fcm_conv_emoticons ($cm_currentline); $cm_mk = $cm_mk . $cm_currentline . "\n"; } return $cm_mk; }; // fcm_mark_visit // Add a hit to the hit count of a page. If the page don't have yet a hit count, // creates one. this modify both the Total-hits and Hits-since-update. // Returns the total hits. function fcm_mark_visit ($cm_visitedpath, $cm_hit_type) { global $dbIDnull; if ($cm_visitedpath) { $result1 = db_query("select cmdb_directory, cmdb_totalhits, cmdb_updatehits from " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmhits3 where cmdb_directory like '$cm_visitedpath' and cmdb_type like '%$cm_hit_type%'") or db_die(); $row1 = db_fetch_row($result1); if ($row1[0]) { $cm_totalhits = $row1[1] + 1; $cm_updatehits = $row1[2] + 1; $result2 = db_query("update " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmhits3 set cmdb_totalhits='$cm_totalhits', cmdb_updatehits='$cm_updatehits' where cmdb_directory like '$cm_visitedpath' and cmdb_type like '%$cm_hit_type%'") or db_die(); } else { $result2 = db_query("insert into " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmhits3 values($dbIDnull,'$cm_hit_type','$cm_visitedpath','1','1')") or db_die(); $cm_totalhits = 1; $cm_updatehits = 1; } return ($cm_totalhits); } }; // fcm_reset_updatedvisit // Reset the hits-count of the page. Only the Hits-since-update counter is // modified. function fcm_reset_updatedvisit ($cm_visitedpath, $cm_hit_type) { global $dbIDnull; if ($cm_visitedpath) { $result1 = db_query("select cmdb_directory from " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmhits3 where cmdb_directory like '$cm_visitedpath' and cmdb_type like '%$cm_hit_type%'") or db_die(); $row1 = db_fetch_row($result1); if ($row1[0]) { $result2 = db_query("update " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmhits3 set cmdb_updatehits='0' where cmdb_directory like '$cm_visitedpath' and cmdb_type like '%$cm_hit_type%'") or db_die(); } else { $result2 = db_query("insert into " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmhits3 values($dbIDnull,'$cm_hit_type','$cm_visitedpath','0','0')") or db_die(); } } }; // fcm_get_totalhits // Returns the Total-hits of a page. function fcm_get_totalhits ($cm_visitedpath, $cm_hit_type) { if ($cm_visitedpath) { $result1 = db_query("select cmdb_directory, cmdb_totalhits from " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmhits3 where cmdb_directory like '$cm_visitedpath' and cmdb_type like '%$cm_hit_type%'") or db_die(); $row1 = db_fetch_row($result1); if ($row1[0]) { return ($row1[1]); } return (0); } }; // fcm_get_updatehits // Returns the Hits-since-update count of a page. function fcm_get_updatehits ($cm_visitedpath, $cm_hit_type) { if ($cm_visitedpath) { $result1 = db_query("select cmdb_directory, cmdb_updatehits from " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmhits3 where cmdb_directory like '$cm_visitedpath' and cmdb_type like '%$cm_hit_type%'") or db_die(); $row1 = db_fetch_row($result1); if ($row1[0]) { return ($row1[1]); } return (0); } }; // fcm_delete_hitrecord // Deletes the hits record of a page from the database. // Usually used when deleting a page. function fcm_delete_hitrecord ($cm_visitedpath, $cm_hit_type) { if ($cm_visitedpath) { $result1 = db_query("delete from " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmhits3 where cmdb_directory like '$cm_visitedpath' and cmdb_type like '%$cm_hit_type%'") or db_die(); } }; // fcm_rename_hitrecord // Changes the object name of a hit record. // Usually used when renaming or moving a page or file. function fcm_rename_hitrecord ($cm_oldpath, $cm_newpath, $cm_hit_type) { if ($cm_oldpath && $cm_newpath) { $result2 = db_query("update " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmhits3 set cmdb_directory='$cm_newpath' where cmdb_directory like '$cm_oldpath' and cmdb_type like '%$cm_hit_type%'") or db_die(); } }; // fcm_add_logentry // Adds an entry to the event log table. // $cm_logged_operation is a CM_APPLOG_ constant. function fcm_add_logentry ($cm_logged_path, $cm_logged_user, $cm_logged_operation, $cm_logged_desc) { global $dbIDnull; $cm_logged_date = fcm_curdate_string (); $cm_logged_desc = substr ($cm_logged_desc, 0, 255); $result2 = db_query("insert into " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmapplog3 values($dbIDnull,'$cm_logged_date',$cm_logged_operation,'$cm_logged_user','$cm_logged_path','$cm_logged_desc')") or db_die(); }; // fcm_can_berated // Returns true if the given directory/page has rating enabled. function fcm_can_berated ($cm_ratedpath) { if (($cm_ratedpath) && ($cm_ratedpath != "/")) { $result1 = db_query("select cmdb_directory, cmdb_rated, cmdb_type from " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "content3 where cmdb_directory like '$cm_ratedpath' and cmdb_type not like '%" . CM_HITTYPE_CONTENTLESS . "%'") or db_die(); $row1 = db_fetch_row($result1); if ($row1[1] == 1) { return (true); } } return (false); }; // fcm_set_rating // Set the rating of a directory given by an user. // If the directory-user record does not exist yet, it is created. If it exists, // is modified (only if the config value $cm_can_rerate is TRUE). // It does return TRUE if the rating was recorded/changed, otherwise, it returns FALSE. function fcm_set_rating ($cm_ratedpath, $cm_user_rating, $cm_rating_user) { global $dbIDnull, $cm_can_rerate; if (($cm_ratedpath) && (fcm_can_berated ($cm_ratedpath))) { if (fcm_get_userrating ($cm_ratedpath, $cm_rating_user) > 0) { if ($cm_can_rerate) { $result2 = db_query("update " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmrating3 set cmdb_rate=$cm_user_rating where cmdb_directory='$cm_ratedpath' and cmdb_author_user='$cm_rating_user'") or db_die(); return (true); } else { return (false); } } else { $result2 = db_query("insert into " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmrating3 values($dbIDnull,'$cm_ratedpath',$cm_user_rating,'$cm_rating_user')") or db_die(); return (true); } } else { return (false); } }; // fcm_get_rating // Returns the number of users that have given a certain value to a page/directory. function fcm_get_rating ($cm_ratedpath, $cm_user_rating) { global $cm_historical_ratings; if (($cm_ratedpath) && (fcm_can_berated ($cm_ratedpath) || $cm_historical_ratings)) { $result1 = db_query("select count(cmdb_directory) from " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmrating3 where cmdb_directory like '$cm_ratedpath' and cmdb_rate=$cm_user_rating") or db_die(); $row1 = db_fetch_row($result1); return ($row1[0]); } else { return (0); } }; // fcm_get_userrating // Returns the rating given by an user to a page/directory. // If the user has not rated the page/directory, 0 is returned. function fcm_get_userrating ($cm_ratedpath, $cm_rating_user) { global $cm_historical_ratings; if (($cm_ratedpath) && (fcm_can_berated ($cm_ratedpath) || $cm_historical_ratings)) { $result1 = db_query("select cmdb_rate from " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmrating3 where cmdb_directory like '$cm_ratedpath' and cmdb_author_user='$cm_rating_user'") or db_die(); $row1 = db_fetch_row($result1); if ($row1[0]) { return ($row1[0]); } else { return (0); } } }; // fcm_getaverage_rating // Returns the average rating of a page/directory. function fcm_getaverage_rating ($cm_ratedpath) { global $cm_historical_ratings; if (($cm_ratedpath) && (fcm_can_berated ($cm_ratedpath) || $cm_historical_ratings)) { $result1 = db_query("select avg(cmdb_rate) from " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmrating3 where cmdb_directory like '$cm_ratedpath'") or db_die(); $row1 = db_fetch_row($result1); return ($row1[0]); } else { return (0); } }; // fcm_delete_rating // Deletes all records related to a page/directory from the rating table. function fcm_delete_rating ($cm_ratedpath, $cm_hit_type) { if ($cm_ratedpath) { $result1 = db_query("delete from " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmrating3 where cmdb_directory like '$cm_ratedpath'") or db_die(); } }; // fcm_storerdf // Opens a connection to a web server, gets a RDF/RSS page, extract the titles // and urls from the XML code, encode the data and store it in an array, // serialize the array data and store it in the database. // This function don't walk through the XML tree, it just do a crude // search for strings. function fcm_storerdf ($cm_rdfurl, $cm_rdftitle, $cm_rdftime2live) { global $dbIDnull, $cm_mod_useragent, $cm_safemode; $result1 = db_query("select cmdb_type, cmdb_title, cmdb_date_update from " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmsynd3 where cmdb_title like '$cm_rdftitle'") or db_die(); $row1 = db_fetch_row($result1); if ($row1[0]) { $cm_date_diff = round ((date( "U" ) - mktime(substr($row1[2],11,2), substr($row1[2],14,2), substr($row1[2],17,2), substr($row1[2],5,2), substr($row1[2],8,2), substr($row1[2],0,4))) / 60); if (($cm_date_diff <= $cm_rdftime2live) && ($cm_rdftime2live !== 0)) { return; } } $cm_rdf_content = ""; $cm_urlparts = parse_url ($cm_rdfurl); if (!$cm_safemode) { @set_time_limit (60); } $cm_fp = @fsockopen ($cm_urlparts ["host"], "80", $errno, $errstr, 50); if ($cm_fp) { if (!$cm_urlparts["query"]) { fputs($cm_fp, "GET " . $cm_urlparts["path"] . " HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: " . $cm_urlparts["host"] . "\r\n$cm_mod_useragent\r\n\r\n"); } else { fputs($cm_fp, "GET " . $cm_urlparts["path"] . "?" . $cm_urlparts["query"] . " HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: " . $cm_urlparts["host"] . "\r\n$cm_mod_useragent\r\n\r\n"); } while (!feof($cm_fp)) { $cm_rdf_content .= fgets ($cm_fp, 128); } $cm_rdf_data = $cm_rdf_content; if (eregi ("", $cm_rdf_data) && eregi ("HTTP.*200 OK", $cm_rdf_data)) { $cm_rdf_data = eregi_replace ("<image.*/image>", "", $cm_rdf_data); $cm_rdf_data = eregi_replace ("</rdf:RDF.*", "", $cm_rdf_data); $cm_rdf_data = eregi_replace ("</rss>.*", "", $cm_rdf_data); $cm_rdf_data = rtrim ($cm_rdf_data); } else { $cm_rdf_data = ""; } $cm_rdf_items = explode ("</item>", $cm_rdf_data); for ($cm_ci = 0; $cm_ci < count ($cm_rdf_items); $cm_ci++) { $cm_rdf_links[$cm_ci][0] = eregi_replace (".*<title>", "", $cm_rdf_items[$cm_ci]); $cm_rdf_links[$cm_ci][0] = eregi_replace (".*", "", $cm_rdf_links[$cm_ci][0]); $cm_rdf_links[$cm_ci][1] = eregi_replace (".*", "", $cm_rdf_items[$cm_ci]); $cm_rdf_links[$cm_ci][1] = eregi_replace (".*", "", $cm_rdf_links[$cm_ci][1]); $cm_rdf_links[$cm_ci][0] = fcm_htmlentity ($cm_rdf_links[$cm_ci][0], ENT_QUOTES); $cm_rdf_links[$cm_ci][1] = urlencode ($cm_rdf_links[$cm_ci][1]); } $cm_rdf_content = addslashes (serialize ($cm_rdf_links)); } $cm_pub_date = fcm_curdate_string (); if ($row1[0]) { $result2 = db_query("update " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmsynd3 set cmdb_date_creation='$cm_pub_date', cmdb_date_update='$cm_pub_date', cmdb_content='$cm_rdf_content' where cmdb_title like '$cm_rdftitle'") or db_die(); } else { $result2 = db_query("insert into " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmsynd3 values($dbIDnull,'" . CM_HITTYPE_SYND . "','$cm_rdfurl','$cm_rdftitle',null,'$cm_pub_date','$cm_pub_date',1,1,1,5,'$cm_rdf_content')") or db_die(); } fcm_add_logentry ("", "", CM_APPLOG_GET_SYND, "Got syndication feed $cm_rdftitle"); } // fcm_readrdf // Reads the RSS/RDF data from the database, unserialize, decode, and store in // an array, then return the array (bidimensional array, first column is the // title, second column is the URL). Parameters are: unique syndication name, // max number of links to extract, max lenght of line per entry. function fcm_readrdf ($cm_rdftitle, $cm_max_links, $cm_max_linelen) { $cm_rdf_links = array (); $cm_rdf_sellinks = array (); $result1 = db_query("select cmdb_type, cmdb_title, cmdb_date_update, cmdb_content from " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmsynd3 where cmdb_title like '$cm_rdftitle'") or db_die(); $row1 = db_fetch_row($result1); if ($row1[0]) { $cm_rdf_links = unserialize (stripslashes ($row1[3])); if ($cm_max_links > count ($cm_rdf_links)) { $cm_max_links = count ($cm_rdf_links); } for ($cm_ci = 0; $cm_ci < $cm_max_links; $cm_ci++) { $cm_rdf_sellinks[$cm_ci][0] = fcm_unhtmlentities ($cm_rdf_links[$cm_ci][0]); if (strlen ($cm_rdf_sellinks[$cm_ci][0]) > $cm_max_linelen) { $cm_rdf_sellinks[$cm_ci][0] = substr ($cm_rdf_sellinks[$cm_ci][0], 0, $cm_max_linelen) . "…"; } $cm_rdf_sellinks[$cm_ci][1] = urldecode ($cm_rdf_links[$cm_ci][1]); } } return ($cm_rdf_sellinks); } // fcm_display_rdfbox // Creates a box with a list of links from the RDF/RSS array. function fcm_display_rdfbox ($cm_rdftitle, $cm_rdfdata) { global $cm_imgpath; echo "
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; echo " $cm_rdftitle \n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "
      \n"; foreach ($cm_rdfdata as $cm_ci) { $cm_ci[0] = trim ($cm_ci[0]); $cm_ci[1] = trim ($cm_ci[1]); if (($cm_ci[0]) && ($cm_ci[1])) { echo "
    • $cm_ci[0]
    • \n"; } } echo "
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; }; // fcm_display_txtrdfbox // Creates a list with a list of links from the RDF/RSS array. function fcm_display_txtrdfbox ($cm_rdftitle, $cm_rdfdata) { global $cm_imgpath; echo " $cm_rdftitle \n"; echo "
      \n"; foreach ($cm_rdfdata as $cm_ci) { echo "
    • $cm_ci[0]
    • \n"; } echo "
    \n"; }; // fcm_load_synd // Read all syndicated newsfeed records in cmsynd3 and // call fcm_storerdf to update them. function fcm_load_synd ($cm_autodl, $cm_homepage, $cm_force) { $cm_where = ""; if ($cm_autodl) { $cm_where = "(cmdb_autodl > 0)"; } if ($cm_homepage) { if ($cm_where != "") { $cm_where .= " and (cmdb_inhome > 0)"; } else { $cm_where = "(cmdb_inhome > 0)"; } } if ($cm_where != "") { $cm_where = " where " . $cm_where; } $result1 = db_query("select cmdb_uri, cmdb_title, cmdb_ttl, cmdb_autodl, cmdb_inhome from " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmsynd3" . $cm_where) or db_die(); while ($row1 = db_fetch_row($result1)) { if ($cm_force) { fcm_storerdf ($row1[0], $row1[1], 1); } else { fcm_storerdf ($row1[0], $row1[1], $row1[2]); } } }; // fcm_display_synd // Read all syndicated newsfeed records in cmsynd3 and // call fcm_readrdf/fcm_display_rdfbox to display them. function fcm_display_synd ($cm_autodl, $cm_homepage, $cm_displayall) { $cm_where = ""; if ($cm_autodl) { $cm_where = "(cmdb_autodl > 0)"; } if ($cm_homepage) { if ($cm_where != "") { $cm_where .= " and (cmdb_inhome > 0)"; } else { $cm_where = "(cmdb_inhome > 0)"; } } if ($cm_where != "") { $cm_where = " where " . $cm_where; } $result1 = db_query("select cmdb_title, cmdb_visitems, cmdb_autodl, cmdb_inhome from " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmsynd3" . $cm_where . " order by upper(cmdb_title)") or db_die(); while ($row1 = db_fetch_row($result1)) { if ($cm_displayall) { fcm_display_rdfbox ($row1[0], fcm_readrdf ($row1[0], 100, CM_MAX_SYNDLEN)); } else { fcm_display_rdfbox ($row1[0], fcm_readrdf ($row1[0], $row1[1], CM_MAX_SYNDLEN)); } } }; // fcm_can_becommented // Returns true if the given directory/page has user comments enabled. function fcm_can_becommented ($cm_commentpath) { if (($cm_commentpath) && ($cm_commentpath != "/")) { $result1 = db_query("select cmdb_directory, cmdb_commented, cmdb_type from " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "content3 where cmdb_directory like '$cm_commentpath' and cmdb_type not like '%" . CM_HITTYPE_CONTENTLESS . "%'") or db_die(); $row1 = db_fetch_row($result1); if ($row1[1] == 1) { return (true); } } return (false); }; // fcm_get_totalcomments // Returns the number of user comments of a given page/directory. function fcm_get_totalcomments ($cm_commentedpath) { global $cm_historical_comments; if (($cm_commentedpath) && (fcm_can_becommented ($cm_commentedpath) || $cm_historical_comments)) { $result1 = db_query("select count(cmdb_directory) from " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmcomments3 where cmdb_directory like '$cm_commentedpath'") or db_die(); $row1 = db_fetch_row($result1); return ($row1[0]); } else { return (0); } }; // fcm_delete_usercomments // Deletes the user comments of a page from the database. // Usually used when deleting a page. function fcm_delete_usercomments ($cm_commentedpath, $cm_hit_type) { if ($cm_commentedpath) { $result1 = db_query("delete from " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "cmcomments3 where cmdb_directory like '$cm_commentedpath' and cmdb_type like '%$cm_hit_type%'") or db_die(); } }; // fcm_show_userratings // Displays the average rating for a page. If no rating records are found, it displays // an invitation to rate the page. function fcm_show_userratings ($cm_ratedpath) { global $cm_text; if (($cm_ratedpath) && ($cm_ratedpath <> "/") && (fcm_can_berated ($cm_ratedpath))) { $cm_avg_rating = fcm_getaverage_rating ($cm_ratedpath); echo ""; echo "
    \n"; if ($cm_avg_rating >= 1) { echo "{$cm_text["averagerating"]}: " . round ($cm_avg_rating, 1) . " (" . CM_MIN_RATE . "-" . CM_MAX_RATE . "). "; } echo "{$cm_text["rateabout"]}"; echo "

    \n"; } }; // fcm_call_htmleditor // Writes the javascript code to call the DHTML WYSIWYG // editor (for both IE's and Mozilla's). // It adds two parameters to the form, one to point to the // destination window (to pass back the content of the editor // window, and if the dir of the page already exist (to enable // the uploading of images). // The JS code has a function (Send...) to: // 1) check if the editor windows already exist, // 2) create the editor window, // 3) change the target of the form, // 4) post the form to the editor window, // 5) restore the original target of the form, // 6) if the window already exist, change focus to it. // The code also create a bind to the unonload method of the // create/edit page, so if the page is reloaded or unloaded // (changed to another page) the editor window is closed. function fcm_call_htmleditor ($cm_form_target, $cm_is_htmlenabled, $cm_direxist) { global $cm_text, $cm_http_useragent; if (($cm_is_htmlenabled) && (eregi ("MSIE", $cm_http_useragent))) { echo " "; echo "
    {$cm_text["canusehtml"]} {$cm_text["openhtmleditor"]}\n"; echo "\n"; if ($cm_direxist) { echo "\n"; } else { echo "\n"; } } elseif (($cm_is_htmlenabled) && (eregi ("Gecko", $cm_http_useragent))) { echo ""; echo "
    {$cm_text["canusehtml"]} {$cm_text["openhtmleditorm"]}\n"; echo "\n"; if ($cm_direxist) { echo "\n"; } else { echo "\n"; } } }; // fcm_can_usehtml // Returns true if the given directory/page has HTML content enabled. function fcm_can_usehtml ($cm_htmlpath) { if ($cm_htmlpath) { $result1 = db_query("select cmdb_directory, cmdb_enable_html from " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "content3 where cmdb_directory like '$cm_htmlpath'") or db_die(); $row1 = db_fetch_row($result1); if ($row1[1] == 1) { return (true); } } return (false); }; // fcm_recode_html // Converts the HTML tags to a custom tag to identify them later. // This is useful before storing the content in the database, because // the content is converted to char entities. function fcm_recode_html ($string) { $string = str_replace ("<", "-CMGT-", $string); $string = str_replace (">", "-CMLT-", $string); //$string = str_replace ("&", "-CMAMP-", $string); $string = str_replace ("\"", "-CMDQ-", $string); return ($string); }; // fcm_decode_html // Inverse of fcm_recode_html. function fcm_decode_html ($string) { $string = str_replace ("-CMGT-", "<", $string); $string = str_replace ("-CMLT-", ">", $string); //$string = str_replace ("&CMAMP;", "&", $string); $string = str_replace ("-CMDQ-", "\"", $string); return ($string); }; // fcm_decode_htmlfull // Inverse of fcm_recode_html, plus unspecialchars without htmlentities. // We don't use fcm_unspecialchars because it applies htmlentities and // we don't change fcm_unspecialchars because we don't want to change the // so called API. function fcm_decode_htmlfull ($string) { $string = str_replace ("-CMGT-", "<", $string); $string = str_replace ("-CMLT-", ">", $string); //$string = str_replace ("&CMAMP;", "&", $string); $string = str_replace ("-CMDQ-", "\"", $string); $trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table (HTML_SPECIALCHARS); $trans_tbl = array_flip ($trans_tbl); return strtr ($string, $trans_tbl); }; // fcm_truncate_string // This function does a quick and dirty string truncation // taking care of not spliting double-byte characters. // However, it can also delete the last character of single-byte // strings if the last character is an extended character. function fcm_truncate_string ($string, $strmaxlen) { if (strlen ($string) > $strmaxlen) { $str_bmb = false; $str_mmb = false; for ($cm_sc = 0; $cm_sc < $strmaxlen; $cm_sc++) { if (ord ($string[$cm_sc]) < 128) { $str_bmb = false; $str_mmb = false; } else { if ((!$str_bmb) && (!$str_mmb)) { $str_bmb = true; } elseif ((!$str_bmb) && ($str_mmb)) { $str_bmb = true; $str_mmb = false; } elseif (($str_bmb) && (!$str_mmb)) { $str_bmb = false; $str_mmb = true; } } } if ($str_bmb) { $string = substr ($string, 0, ($strmaxlen - 1)); } else { $string = substr ($string, 0, $strmaxlen); } } return ($string); } // fcm_remove_accents // Based on removeaccents function posted in php.net by "hotmail - marksteward". function fcm_remove_accents ($string){ return strtr( strtr($string, 'ŠŽšžŸÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝàáâãäåçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ', 'SZszYAAAAAACEEEEIIIINOOOOOOUUUUYaaaaaaceeeeiiiinoooooouuuuyy'), array('Þ' => 'TH', 'þ' => 'th', 'Ð' => 'DH', 'ð' => 'dh', 'ß' => 'ss', 'Œ' => 'OE', 'œ' => 'oe', 'Æ' => 'AE', 'æ' => 'ae', 'µ' => 'u')); } // fcm_recode_URIs // Checks all lines in the $cm_markup_string and verify if there is $cm_argument (usually href=" or src="), // if yes, it extracts the URL and decide if add a call to getfile.php or redir.php to it. // This function is used to rewrite the URLs of user entered URLs in links or images references. // There should be a better way to do it using regexps... function fcm_recode_URIs ($cm_markup_string, $cm_path, $cm_argument) { $cm_lines = explode ("\n", $cm_markup_string); $cm_newline = ""; $cm_argument = strtolower ($cm_argument); $cm_arglen = strlen ($cm_argument); foreach ($cm_lines as $cm_currentline) { if (($cm_currentline != "") && ($cm_currentline != "\r") && ($cm_currentline != "\n")) { $cm_mkposn = 0; $cm_mkposb = (int) @strpos (strtolower ($cm_currentline), $cm_argument, $cm_mkposn); $cm_mkpose = (int) @strpos (strtolower ($cm_currentline), "\"", $cm_mkposb + $cm_arglen); $cm_ctpos = (int) @strpos (strtolower ($cm_currentline), ">", $cm_mkposb + $cm_arglen); if ($cm_ctpos < $cm_mkpose) { $cm_mkpose = $cm_ctpos; } while (($cm_mkposb && $cm_mkpose) && ($cm_mkpose > $cm_mkposb)) { $cm_url = substr ($cm_currentline, ($cm_mkposb + $cm_arglen), ($cm_mkpose - ($cm_mkposb + $cm_arglen))); if (eregi ('http:|https:', $cm_linkurl)) { $cm_url = "redir.php?cm_elink=" . $cm_url; } elseif (($cm_url == "") || strpos ($cm_url, ":") || (strpos ($cm_url, "getfile.php?cm_path=") === 0) || (strpos ($cm_url, "redir.php?cm_elink=") === 0)) { $cm_mkposn = $cm_mkpose + 1; } else { $cm_url = "getfile.php?cm_path=$cm_path&cm_file=" . $cm_url; } $cm_currentline = substr ($cm_currentline, 0, ($cm_mkposb + $cm_arglen)) . $cm_url . substr ($cm_currentline, $cm_mkpose); $cm_mkposb = (int) @strpos (strtolower ($cm_currentline), $cm_argument, $cm_mkposn); $cm_mkpose = (int) @strpos (strtolower ($cm_currentline), "\"", $cm_mkposb + $cm_arglen); $cm_ctpos = (int) @strpos (strtolower ($cm_currentline), ">", $cm_mkposb + $cm_arglen); if ($cm_ctpos < $cm_mkpose) { $cm_mkpose = $cm_ctpos; } } } $cm_newline = $cm_newline . $cm_currentline . "\n"; } return ($cm_newline); }; // fcm_secure_html // Neutralize some html tags considered dangerous or useless. function fcm_secure_html ($string) { $string = preg_replace ("//is", "", $string); $string = preg_replace ("//is", "", $string); $string = preg_replace ("//is", "", $string); $string = preg_replace ("//is", "", $string); $string = preg_replace ("//is", "", $string); $string = preg_replace ("//is", "", $string); $string = preg_replace ("//is", "", $string); $string = preg_replace ("//is", "", $string); $string = preg_replace ("//is", "", $string); $string = preg_replace ("//is", "", $string); $string = preg_replace ("//is", "", $string); $string = preg_replace ("//is", "", $string); $string = preg_replace ("//is", "", $string); $string = preg_replace ("//is", "", $string); return ($string); }; // fcm_htmlentity function fcm_htmlentity ($string) { return (htmlspecialchars ($string)); }; // fcm_unhtmlentities // This function is the inverse of the PHP's htmlentities function. // Used to decode the encoded RDF/RSS data stored in the database and to decode // data send to the pie-graph generating routine. function fcm_unhtmlentities ($string) { $trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table (HTML_ENTITIES); $trans_tbl = array_flip ($trans_tbl); return strtr ($string, $trans_tbl); }; // fcm_unspecialchars // This function apply the htmlentities to a string, then // reconvert the special chars (ampersand, quotes, greater than, lesser than) // back to its normal representation. This function is used to convert // names with international characters but will keep the already converted // characters. This is useful when we know that the string won't have // special chars, except those from a previous conversion. function fcm_unspecialchars ($string) { $string = htmlentities ($string); $trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table (HTML_SPECIALCHARS); $trans_tbl = array_flip ($trans_tbl); return strtr ($string, $trans_tbl); }; // fcm_urlencode // Apply URL encoding to a string, but avoid replacing // forward-slashes and colons, so // the URL can be interpreted by the browser. This is useful when // generating links for files with international characters. function fcm_urlencode ($cm_ue) { $cm_ue = rawurlencode ($cm_ue); $cm_ue = str_replace ("%2f", "/", $cm_ue); $cm_ue = str_replace ("%2F", "/", $cm_ue); $cm_ue = str_replace ("%3a", ":", $cm_ue); $cm_ue = str_replace ("%3A", ":", $cm_ue); return ($cm_ue); } // fcm_curdate_string // Returns the current date in a string formated as // 2002-10-22 01:35:14 function fcm_curdate_string () { global $timezone; return (date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime(date("H")+$timezone,date("i"),date("s"),date("m"),date("d"),date("Y")))); } // fcm_diffdate_days // Returns the difference in days of the current day and given date // (both formated as 2002-10-22 01:35:14. function fcm_diffdate_days ($cm_givendate) { return round ((date ("U") - mktime (substr ($cm_givendate, 11, 2), substr ($cm_givendate, 14, 2), substr ($cm_givendate, 17, 2), substr ($cm_givendate, 5, 2), substr ($cm_givendate, 8, 2), substr ($cm_givendate, 0, 4))) / 86400); } // fcm_user_names // Retrieves the long name of a user and return it as an // array. Element 0 is shortname, 1 is first name, 2 is surnames. // If the user no longer exist, 0 is false, 1 and 2 are warning strings. function fcm_user_names ($cm_username) { global $cm_text; $result9 = db_query("select kurz, vorname, nachname from " . CM_PP_PREFIX . "users where kurz = '$cm_username'") or db_die(); $row9 = db_fetch_row($result9); if (!$row9) { $rowX[0] = false; $rowX[1] = $cm_text["unknownuser"]; $rowX[2] = $cm_text["unknownuser"]; return ($rowX); } return ($row9); } // fcm_group_names // Retrieves the long name of a group and return it as an // array. Element 0 is shortname, 1 is long name. // If the group no longer exist, 0 is false, 1 is a warning string. // If the group to search is an empty string, 0 and 1 are empty strings. // If the setup is groupless, 0 and 1 are empty strings. function fcm_group_names ($cm_groupname) { global $cm_text, $groups; if (($cm_groupname) && ($groups)) { $result9 = db_query("select kurz, name from " . CM_PP_PREFIX . "gruppen where kurz = '$cm_groupname'") or db_die(); $row9 = db_fetch_row($result9); if (!$row9) { $rowX[0] = false; $rowX[1] = $cm_text["unknowngroup"]; return ($rowX); } return ($row9); } else { $rowX[0] = ""; $rowX[1] = ""; return ($rowX); } } // fcm_default_group // Retrieves the long name of the default group and return it as an // array. Element 0 is shortname, 1 is long name. // If the group 1 don't exist the first available group is returned, if there is // no next valid group the function returns 0 as false, 1 as a warning string. // If the setup is groupless, 0 and 1 are empty strings. function fcm_default_group () { global $cm_text, $groups; if ($groups) { $result9 = db_query("select kurz, name from " . CM_PP_PREFIX . "gruppen where ID=1") or db_die(); $row9 = db_fetch_row($result9); if (!$row9) { $result9 = db_query("select kurz, name from " . CM_PP_PREFIX . "gruppen") or db_die(); $row9 = db_fetch_row($result9); if (!$row9) { $rowX[0] = false; $rowX[1] = $cm_text["unknowngroup"]; return ($rowX); } } return ($row9); } else { $rowX[0] = ""; $rowX[1] = ""; return ($rowX); } } // fcm_get_viewergroup // It returns the group ID and name of a given path. If the group is not found // (if it no longer exists) or if empty or if it is the root dir, returns the // default group. function fcm_get_viewergroup ($cm_path) { if ($cm_path && ($cm_path <> "/")) { $result2 = db_query("select cmdb_directory, cmdb_viewer_group from " . CM_DB_PREFIX . "content3 where cmdb_directory like '$cm_path' and cmdb_type like '%" . CM_HITTYPE_PAGE . "%'") or db_die(); $row2 = db_fetch_row($result2); if ($row2) { $result9 = db_query("select kurz, name from " . CM_PP_PREFIX . "gruppen where kurz='" . $row2[1] . "'") or db_die(); $row9 = db_fetch_row($result9); if ($row9) { return ($row9); } else { return (fcm_default_group ()); } } else { return (fcm_default_group ()); } } else { return (fcm_default_group ()); } }; // fcm_swap_rowcolor // Takes the value of $cm_curcolor and switch it to $cm_color1 // or $cm_color2 (it will alternate between both). This is used // to swap color classes for listings. function fcm_swap_rowcolor ($cm_curcolor, $cm_color1, $cm_color2) { if ($cm_curcolor == $cm_color1) { $cm_curcolor = $cm_color2; } else { $cm_curcolor = $cm_color1; } return ($cm_curcolor); } // fcm_is_cleditable // Check if a content-less item is editable according to the // user permissions (if user is the owner or superuser or someone // with editing permissions, the content-less item is editable). // If the item is not content-less, returns false. function fcm_is_cleditable ($cm_path, $cm_username, $cm_type) { if (stristr ($cm_type, CM_HITTYPE_CONTENTLESS)) { if (fcm_check_constraints (CM_SEC_CHANGE, $cm_username, $cm_path)) { $cm_cledit = false; } else { $cm_cledit = true; } } else { $cm_cledit = false; } return ($cm_cledit); } // fcm_val_droplist // It creates a drop list for a html form using the values in the array // $cm_dropvalues and presetting the default in $cm_defvalue. The name of the // select input element is passed in $cm_dropname. function fcm_val_droplist ($cm_dropname, $cm_dropvalues, $cm_defvalue) { echo "
    \n"; } // fcm_check_logoimage // It will check if the logo image file exists, if its dimensions are // conforming and its size is not too big. The return code is stored in // the first element of an array. The dimensions of the image are stored // in the second (X) and third (Y) element. The fourth and fifth elements // are the corrected X and Y (adjusted to the max allowed). // The return codes are as follow: // 0000000 = Ok // 0000001 = Too wide // 0000010 = Too high // 0000100 = Too wide * 2 // 0001000 = Too high * 2 // 0010000 = Invalid file or corrupted // 0100000 = Too big (kbytes) // 1000000 = No image function fcm_check_logoimage ($cm_currentpath, $cm_logoimage) { global $cm_text, $cm_mainroot, $cm_doclogo_width, $cm_doclogo_height; $cm_logo_code[0] = 0; $cm_logo_code[1] = 0; $cm_logo_code[2] = 0; $cm_logo_code[3] = 0; $cm_logo_code[4] = 0; if ($cm_logoimage) { $cm_logoimage = $cm_mainroot . $cm_currentpath . "/" . $cm_logoimage; if (file_exists ($cm_logoimage)) { $cm_logo_size = getimagesize ($cm_logoimage); $cm_logo_X = $cm_logo_size [0]; $cm_logo_Y = $cm_logo_size [1]; $cm_logo_code[1] = $cm_logo_X; $cm_logo_code[2] = $cm_logo_Y; $cm_logo_code[3] = $cm_logo_X; $cm_logo_code[4] = $cm_logo_Y; $cm_logo_K = filesize ($cm_logoimage); if ($cm_logo_X > $cm_doclogo_width) { $cm_logo_code[0] += 1; $cm_logo_code[3] = $cm_doclogo_width; } if ($cm_logo_Y > $cm_doclogo_height) { $cm_logo_code[0] += 2; $cm_logo_code[4] = $cm_doclogo_height; } if ($cm_logo_X > ($cm_doclogo_width * 2)) { $cm_logo_code[0] += 4; } if ($cm_logo_Y > ($cm_doclogo_height * 2)) { $cm_logo_code[0] += 8; } if (($cm_logo_X == 0) || ($cm_logo_Y == 0)) { $cm_logo_code[0] += 16; } if ($cm_logo_K > CM_MAX_LOGO_SIZE) { $cm_logo_code[0] += 32; } } else { $cm_logo_code[0] = 64; } } return ($cm_logo_code); }; // fcm_warn_logoimage // It will call fcm_check_logoimage and if the return code is not zero // it will display some error message. function fcm_warn_logoimage ($cm_currentpath, $cm_logoimage, $cm_ischk_enabled) { global $cm_text, $cm_doclogo_width, $cm_doclogo_height; if ($cm_logoimage && $cm_ischk_enabled) { $cm_logo_status = fcm_check_logoimage ($cm_currentpath, $cm_logoimage); if ($cm_logo_status[0] & 64) { fcm_message ($cm_text["logodontexist"], CM_MSGSTYLE_WARNING); } else { if (($cm_logo_status[0] & 4) || ($cm_logo_status[0] & 8)) { fcm_message ($cm_text["logotoobig"] . " (" . $cm_logo_status[1] . "x" . $cm_logo_status[2] . ">" . $cm_doclogo_width . "x" . $cm_doclogo_height . ")", CM_MSGSTYLE_WARNING); } elseif (($cm_logo_status[0] & 16)) { fcm_message ($cm_text["logoiszero"], CM_MSGSTYLE_WARNING); } if ($cm_logo_status[0] & 32) { fcm_message ($cm_text["logotooheavy"] . " (<" . CM_MAX_LOGO_SIZE . ")", CM_MSGSTYLE_WARNING); } } } }; ?>