Source code of file oscpmwin/ro.po from the
osCommerce Product Manager for Windows.

Language: "Romanian"
" " *no-translation-available*
"Memory load" "Memorie incarcata"
"Continue" "Continua"
"Show splash..." "Arata Splash"
"Author" "Autor"
"OSCommerce author" "Autor OSCommerce"
"Copy email address" "Copiere adresa e-mail "
"Copy URL of website" "Copiere adresa web"
"Close window" "Inchidere fereastra"
"Category name | Enter the category name. Avoid using HTML tags." "Nume categorie | Introdu numele categoriei. Fara tag-uri HTML"
"New file name" "Fisier nou"
"Subdirectory" "Subdirector"
"Upload" "Incarcare"
"Select image file to upload | Click to select the image file to upload." "Alege fisierul imagine pentru incarcare | Apasa pentru a selecta fisierul imagine pentru incarcare"
"Image file to upload | This is the path and name of the image file that will be uploaded." "Fisier imagine pentru incarcare | Acestea sunt calea si numele fisierului imagine care va fi incarcat."
"New file name | This is the new name that will be given to the uploaded image file." "Fisier imagine nou | Acesta este numele care va fi dat fisierului imagine incarcat"
"Format of uploaded image | This is the format the uploaded image will have. Choose JPEG for photographic images and PNG for non-photographic images (like drawings, logos, etc)." "Formatul imaginii incarcate | Acesta este formatul pe care il va avea imaginea. Alegeti imagini foto JPEG si PNG pt imagini non-foto (cum ar fi desene, logo-uri)"
"Format of uploaded image" "Formatu imaginii incarcate"
"JPEG format (for photographic images, 24 bits)" "format JPEG (pentru imagini foto, 24 bits)"
"PNG format (for drawings, logos, 8 bits)" "format PNG (pentru desene, logo-uri, 8 bitss)"
"Upload subdirectory | Defines the directory where to store this new image. You can select an existing directory or type the name of a new directory." "Incarcare subdirector | Defineste directorul unde va fi incarcata aceasta imagine noua. Poti selecta un director existent sau poti scrie numele unui nou subdirector"
"Select" "Selectare"
"RGB hexadecimal color | Sets the hexadecimal number of the exact color you want." "Culoare hexazecimala RGB"
"General" "General"
"Save/Load configuration" "Salvare/Incarcare configuratie"
"Load configuration | Load the configuration data from a file." "Incarcare configuratie | Incarcare fisier de configurare dintr-un fisier."
"Load" "Incarcare"
"Save configuration | Save the configuration to a file." "Salvare configuratie | Salvare fisier de configurare intr-un fisier"
"Save" "Salvare"
"Network" "Retea"
"Web connection options" "Optiuni conexiune web"
"Proxy host" "Gazda proxy"
"Proxy port" "Port proxy"
"Proxy host name | Define the host name or IP number of the proxy server to be used to download the product images. If you don't need a proxy server to browse the web, leave it empty." "Nume gazda proxy | Specifica numele gazdei sau adresa IP a serverului proxy folosit pentru descarcarea imaginilor produsului. Daca vrei"
"Web proxy TCP port | Define the TCP port number of the web proxy." "Portul TCP al proxy-ului Web | Specifica portul TCP al proxy-ului web"
"Automatically set proxy configuration | Load the proxy configuration from the system configuration." "Setare automata a configuratiei proxy | Incarcare setarile proxy din configurarile de sistem"
"Autoconfigure" "Autoconfigurare"
"Use web proxy | Enables the use of a web proxy." "Foloseste proxy web | Da posibilitatea folosirii unui proxy web"
"Use web proxy" "Folosire proxy web"
"When to use the proxy settings | Defines if the proxy settings will be used always, only to contact the server-side script or only when looking for updates." "Cand folosesc setarile de proxy | Definestedaca setarile proxy vor fi folosite intotdeauna sau numai la conectarea cu serverul sau numai la cautarea update-urilor"
"HTTP options" "Optiuni HTTP"
"Download speed base" "Viteza de descarcare"
"Upload script URL" "URL script de incarcare"
"HTTP connection timeout" "Conexiune HTTP intarziata"
"Username" "User"
"Password" "Parola"
"HTTP connection retries" "Reincercari conexiune HTTP"
"Download speed base | This value is used only to calculate the estimated download times." "Viteza de descarcare | Aceasta valoare este folosita doar pentru a calcula timpii estimativi de descarcare"
"Upload script URL | Define the URL of the script used to upload images to the OSCommerce directory. Usually the URL is /catalog/oscpm1_upload.php, but may vary depending on the configuration of OSCommerce." "URL script de incarcare | Defineste URL-ul scriptului de incarcare folosit pentru incarcarea imaginilor in directorul osCommerce. De obicei URL-ul este /catalog/oscpm1_upload.php, dar poate varia in functie de diferite configuratii ale OSCommerce"
"HTTP connection timeout | How many milliseconds to wait before failing the connection to the server-side script server or any other web server." "Conexiune HTTP intarziata | Defineste cate milisecunde se asteapta inainte de inchiderea conexiunii cu scriptul din partea serverului sau orice alt server web"
"Database username | Define the user name to use for connecting to the database server." "User baza de date | Defineste numele userului folosit la conectarea la serverul de baza de date."
"Database password | Define the password to use for connecting to the database server." "Parola baza de date | Defineste parola folosita la conectarea la serverul de baza de date."
"Store password in configuration | If enabled, the database password is stored in the Registry and in the exported configuration files, which is more convenient but more insecure. If disabled, the database password will be asked every time you connect to the OSCommerce server." "Pastreaza parola in configuratie | Daca este pornit, parola de la baza de date este pastrata in Registrii si in fisierela de configurare exportate, ceea ce e este mai convenabil dar mai nesigur. In caz contrar parola bazei de date va fi introdusa la fiecare conectare la serverul OSCommerce. "
"Store password in configuration" "Pastreaza parola in configuratie."
"Log SQL queries to file | Store all SQL queries with timestamps to a file. Use it for debugging purposes." "Pastreaza raport al interogarilor SQL intr-un fisier | Pastreaza toate interogarile SQL intr-un fisier. Se foloseste in scopul cautarii bug-urilor"
"Log SQL queries to file" "Pastreaza raport al interogarilor SQL intr-un fisier."
"HTTP connection retries | How many times try to connect before failing the connection to the server-side script server or any other web server." "Conexiune HTTP intarziata | Defineste cate milisecunde se asteapta inainte de inchiderea conexiunii cu scriptul din partea serverului sau orice alt server web"
"Compress connection | Compress network traffic. This is useful when using remote link connections, not in a LAN. If you change this option, you need to disconnect and connect again." "Conexiune compresata | Compresarea traficului de retea. Aceasta optiune este folositoare cand se folosesc conexiuni la distanta, care nu sunt in acelasi LAN. Daca schimbati aceasta optiune va trebui sa va deconectati si sa va conectati la loc."
"Compress network traffic" "Compresarea traficului de retea"
"Interface" "Interfata"
"Interface options" "Optiuni interfata"
"Remember visual position | If enabled, the program will start with the same column and window size as the last time you used it." "Tine minte pozitiile vizuale.| Daca este folosita aceasta optiune programul va porni cu aceleasi marimi ale liniilor si coloanelor ca si in cazul folosirii anterioare."
"Remember windows/columns sizes" "Tine minte marimile /linii/coloane"
"Hot tracking effect | If enabled, the hot track visual effect will be activeted for the category tree and the product listing." "Efect Hot Tracking | Daca este folosita aceasta optiune efectul hot track va fi activat pentru lista de categorii si de produse"
"Hot track effects" "Efecte Hot Tracking"
"Single click product loading | If enabled, the list of product will be downloaded for the selected category. This may be a better option for fast network links. If disabled, you will need to double click the category to download the product list. This may be better for slow network links. " "Incarcare produs simplu click | Daca este folosita aceasta optiune, va fi incarcata lista de produse pentru categoria selectata. Acesta poate fi o optiune folositoare la conexiunile de retea rapide. Dezactivata, va fi nevoie de dublu click pentru preluarea listei de produse. Acesta poate fi o optiune folositoare la conexiunile de retea lente."
"Show products with one click" "Arata produsele cu simplu click"
"Drag and drop | Enable the drag and drop of products from the product list to the category tree, to move groups of products easily between categories." *no-translation-available*
"Drag and drop of products" "Dragare produse"
"Use tooltips | If enabled, some options will display a tooltip with additional information when the mouse passes over it." *no-translation-available*
"Show tooltips." "Arata tooltips."
"No sound | Disable all warning sounds." "Fara sunet | Dezactiveaza toate sunetele de avertizare."
"Be silent (no sounds)." "Tacere (fara sunete)"
"Drag and drop of images | Enable the drag and drop of images from Windows Explorer to the Product Edit window, to select and upload easily the image files of products." *no-translation-available*
"Drag and drop of images" "Dragare imagini"
"Donwload images automatically | When editing a product, download the image automatically. If disabled, the user will need to press a button to start the downloading of the image. This may be a better option for slow network links." *no-translation-available*
"Download images without asking" "Descarcare imagini fara intrebare"
"Don't allow image caching | If enabled, when downloading the product images, the program will ask the web server/web proxy to provide a fresh version, not a cached one. Enable it if you are getting the same old image even when uploading a new one (this may happen with some web proxies)." *no-translation-available*
"Download always the most recent image" "Descarca intotdeauna cea mai recenta imagine"
"Confirm exiting | Ask the user to confirm the exiting of the program." *no-translation-available*
"Confirm exit" "Confirnare iesire"
"Show debug web data | Display the answer got from the web server when uploading image files. This is useful only for debugging purposes." *no-translation-available*
"Show debug web data" *no-translation-available*
"Use color stripes in lists | If enabled, the rows of some lists will be displayed in alternate colors for easier reading." *no-translation-available*
"Color stripes in lists" "Dungi colorate in lista"
"Cache image listings | If enabled, the image filenames and dirnames from the server will be cached, improving the performance of the application when uploading product images." *no-translation-available*
"Cache image listings" "Lista imagini din cache"
"Center image with a click | When editing a product with multiple images, the clicked image is centered for easy viewing. However this can make more difficult the selection, uploading and reordering of the images." *no-translation-available*
"Center image with click" "Centrare imagine la click"
"Confirm deletions | Ask the user to confirm every deletion operation." *no-translation-available*
"Confirm deletions" "Confirmare stergeri"
"Confirm drag and drop | Ask the user to confirm every drag and drop operation." *no-translation-available*
"Confirm drag and drop" "Confirmare dragare"
"Confirm modifications | Ask the user to confirm every modification attempt." *no-translation-available*
"Confirm modifications" "Confirmare modificari"
"Confirm image uploads | Ask the user to confirm every image upload." *no-translation-available*
"Confirm image uploads" "Confirmare incarcari de imagini"
"Confirm image deletions | Ask the user to confirm every deletion operation on the product images." *no-translation-available*
"Confirm image deletions" "Confirmare stergeri imagini"
"Allow zero price | If enabled, you can enter zero as a valid price for the products." *no-translation-available*
"Allow zero price" "Permitere preturi cu 0"
"Allow negative quantity | If enabled, the quantity of a product can be negative." *no-translation-available*
"Allow negative quantity" "Permitere cantitati negative"
"Allow direct editing of image filename | If enabled, the filename of the image can be modified directly, without uploading any file." *no-translation-available*
"Allow direct editing of image filename" *no-translation-available*
"Load defaults | Reset the user-interface options to the default values." *no-translation-available*
"Load defaults" "Incarcare setari de baza"
"Interface 2" "Interfata 2"
"Language options" "Optiuni de limba"
"User interface language" "Limba interfata de client"
"User interface language | Select the language you want to use for the menus, buttons, and other user interface controls." *no-translation-available*
"Font options" "Optiuni caracter"
"Font | Define what font to use for the user interface controls." *no-translation-available*
"Font" "Caracter"
"Clipboard options" "Optiuni clipboard"
"Maximum column size" "Marime maxima coloana"
"Maximum column size | Set the maximum column size allowed when copying to the clipboard in preformated style. Columns wider than this value will be truncated." *no-translation-available*
"Reports" "Rapoarte"
"PDF author" "Autor PDF"
"Reports options" "Optiuni rapoarte"
"Edit report | Display the report-editing window to modify the layout and content of the currently selected report." *no-translation-available*
"Edit" "Editare"
"Available reports | This is the list of available reports." *no-translation-available*
"Preview | Shows a testing preview of the currently selected report.." *no-translation-available*
"Preview" "Previzionare"
"Print without preview | If disabled, when requesting a printed report.a preview will be shown first. Otherwise, the report is printed directly to the default printer." *no-translation-available*
"Print without preview." "Imprimare fara previzionare"
"PDF author | The name to set in the Author information of the generated PDFs." *no-translation-available*
"Images" "Imagine"
"Image conversion options" "Optiuni ce conversie a imaginii"
"Final desired size" "Marime finala dorita "
"X" "X"
"JPEG quality of images" "Calitatea imaginii JPEG"
"Resize images when uploading | If enabled, the images will be resized to thumbnails when uploaded." *no-translation-available*
"Resize images when uploading" "Redimensionare imagini la incarcare"
"Enter the prefered final X (horizontal) size of the uploaded images." "Adauga marime preferata X (orizontala) a imaginilor incarcate."
"Enter the prefered final Y (vertical) size of the uploaded images." "Adauga marime preferata Y (verticala) a imaginilor incarcate."
"JPEG quality | Enter the quality of the JPEG conversion. The higher the number, the better the quality but the image size will be higher. The lower the number, the smaller the image, but the quality will be worse. Suggested values for OSCommerce are between 40 and 50." *no-translation-available*
"Pad images | Only valid if aspect ratio is preserved. If enabled, resized images will be padded to fill the surrounding empty space with a color." *no-translation-available*
"Pad images" "Imagini pad"
"Keep aspect ratio | If enabled, the resized images will keep their original aspect-ratio, avoiding distortion." *no-translation-available*
"Keep aspect ration" "Pastreaza dimensiunile imaginii"
"Select padding color | Select the color used to pad the resized images." *no-translation-available*
"Color" "Culoare"
"Current padding color" *no-translation-available*
"Image download options" "Optiuni descarcare imagini"
"Images URL" "URL imagini"
"OSCommerce product images URL | Define the URL from where the images of products can be downloaded. Usually the directory is /catalog/images, but may vary depending on the configuration of OSCommerce." *no-translation-available*
"External modules" "Module externe"
"Module connection timeout" "Conexiune intarziata a modulului"
"Module connection retries" "Incercari conexiune cu modulul"
"Module connection timeout | How many milliseconds to wait before retrying the connection to the external module." *no-translation-available*
"Module connection retries | How many attempts to do if the connection to the external module fails." *no-translation-available*
"Module options" "Optiuni modul"
"Delete module configuration | Delete the module configuration." *no-translation-available*
"Delete" "Stergere"
"Available modules | This is the list of available modules already configured." *no-translation-available*
"Edit module configuration | Edit the module configuration." *no-translation-available*
"Add module configuration | Add a new module." *no-translation-available*
"Add" "Adaugare"
"Module name" "Nume modul"
"Executable file" "Fisier executabil"
"Module parameters" "Parametri modul"
"Module TCP port" "Port TCP al modulului"
"Index data (data to send)" *no-translation-available*
"Result data (data returned)" *no-translation-available*
"Module name | Defines the common name used to identify this module." *no-translation-available*
"Command line / hostname | Defines the command line and arguments to be used when invoking the module. If the module is a remote module, it defines the remote IP address. For example, c:\\\\modules\\\\mod.exe param1 param2 param3 param4." *no-translation-available*
"Browse for file | Browse to select the executable file to be called when running the module." *no-translation-available*
"Module parameters | Parameters to be used when running the module." *no-translation-available*
"Module TCP port | Define the TCP port to use to connect with the module." *no-translation-available*
"Just run | Just run the program, do not wait for it to finish." *no-translation-available*
"Just run" "Porneste odata!"
"For selected records only | The module is only available if there are selected products records." *no-translation-available*
"For selected records only" "Doar pentru inregistrarile selectate"
"Module is remote | If enabled, the software will not try to launch a local module but it will try to connect to a module in a remote computer. If this option is enabled, the Command Line-Hostname will be interpreted as an IP address." *no-translation-available*
"Remote" "Conexiune la distanta"
"Index data | Defines what field to use as index. This means: what data will be send to the module to identify the product." *no-translation-available*
"Result data | Defines what field the resulting data belongs to. This means: what data will return the module." *no-translation-available*
"Currency name" "Nume valuta"
"Currency code (ISO 4217)" "Cod valuta"
"Left symbols" "Simbol stanga"
"Right symbols" "Simbol dreapta"
"Decimal separator" "Separator zecimale"
"Thousands separator" "Separator mii"
"Decimal places" "Numar zecimale"
"Value" "Valoare"
"Currency name | The common (non-abbreviated) name of the currency." *no-translation-available*
"Currency left symbols | Characters or symbols to use to the left when displaying numbers with this currency," *no-translation-available*
"Currency right symbols | Characters or symbols to use to the right when displaying numbers with this currency," *no-translation-available*
"Decimal separator | Character to separate the integer from the fractional part of a price." *no-translation-available*
"Thousands separator | Character to separate every three digits of the integer part of a price." *no-translation-available*
"Decimal places | How many digits to allow after the decimal separator." *no-translation-available*
"Currency value | What is the value of the this currency. The price of each product is multiplied by this value when displaying it to the user." *no-translation-available*
"Example of this currency formatting." "Exemplu al formatului valutei"
"Currency code | The abbreviated code of this currency. Usually you can use the three-letters ISO 4217 code." *no-translation-available*
"Available currencies | List of the currencies available in the osCommerce store." *no-translation-available*
"Add currency | Add a new currency." "Adauga valuta | Adaugare valuta noua"
"Edit currency | Edit the currency data." "Editare valuta | Editarea valorilor valutei"
"Delete currency | Delete the currency from the store." "Stergere valuta | Stergerea valutei din magazin"
"Update all exchange rates | Download the current exchange rate of all currencies from an online source." "Actualizarea tuturor valutelor | Descarcarea cursului valutar al tuturor valutelor dintr-o sursa online."
"Update all exchange rates" "Actualizarea tuturor valutelor"
"Set as default currency | Set the currency as the default for the product prices. Please note that product values will not be changed, only the displayed currency.." "Setare valuta implicita | Setarea valutei implicite pentru preturile produselor. Valorile produsului nu vor fi schimbate...doar valuta afisata"
"Set as default" "Setare ca implicit"
"Currency updating list | This list shows the current and updated values of the currencies. Each currency is marked as Equal (the currency does not need updating), Different (the currency will be updated), Unknown (the currency value was not found) and Error (an error ocurred while retrieving its value)." *no-translation-available*
"Confirm | Press to accept the updating changes." *no-translation-available*
"Confirm" "Confirmare"
"License | By using this software you are bound to this software license." "Licenta | Prin folosirea acestui program sunteti obligati sa respectati aceasta licenta de program"
"Connection status | Current status of the connection" "Stare conexiune | Starea curenta a conexiunii"
"Connect" "Conectare"
"Disconnect" "Deconectare"
"Configure" "Configurare"
"Exit" "Iesire"
"Language of products | Choose the language of the products to shown in the product list." "Limba de afisare a produselor | Alege limba in care sunt afisate produsele li list de produse."
"Add category" "Adauga categorie"
"Rename category" "Redenumire categorie"
"Delete category" "Stergere categorie"
"Refresh product list" "Reimprospatare lista de produse"
"Search" "Cauta"
"Add product" "Adaugare produs"
"Edit product" "Editare produs"
"Delete product" "Stergere produs"
"Delete products" "Stergere produse"
"Export selected products" "Exportare produse selectate"
"Print selected products" "Imprimare produse selectate"
"Start the quick search" "Start cautare rapida"
"Quick search | Type any word to look for it in the model, name or description of the products." *no-translation-available*
"Database" "Baza de date"
"Configuration..." "Configurare..."
"Catalog" "Catalog"
"Refresh category list" "Reimprospatare lista de categorii"
"Search product..." "Cauta produs..."
"Add manufacturer" "Adaugare producator"
"Rename manufacturer" "Redenumire producator"
"Delete manufacturer" "Stergere producator"
"Manage currencies" *no-translation-available*
"Products" "Produse"
"Copy product record" "Copiere inregistrare produs"
"Paste product record" "Lipire inregistrare produs"
"Select all products" "Selectare toate produsele"
"Copy selected products" "Copiere produse selectate"
"Copy selected products as text" "Copiere produse selectate ca text"
"As preformatted text" "Ca text preformatat"
"Export products list..." "Exportare lista de produse..."
"Print selected products to PDF" "Imprimare produse selectate ca PDF"
"Tools" "Unelte"
"Backup database" "Backup baza de date"
"Display fullscreen" "Arata pe tot ecranul"
"SQL log file" "Fisier jurnal SQL"
"PHP server info" "info server PHP"
"Help" "Ajutor"
"Check for updates" "Cauta versiune noua"
"Visit our website" "Viziteaza situl nostru"
"Visit the web forums" "Viziteaza forumul web"
"License" "Licenta"
"About..." "Despre..."
"Change feature" "Schimba caracteristica"
"Change availability" "Schimba disponibilitate"
"Available" "Disponibil"
"Not available" "Indisponibil"
"Change price" "Schimba pret"
"Change special price" "Schimba pret special"
"Change quantity" "Schimba cantitate"
"Change category" "Schimba categorie"
"Change manufacturer" "Schimba producator"
"Change model" "Schimba model"
"Change weight" "Schimba greutate"
"Expand this category" "Extinde aceasta categorie"
"Collapse this category" "Inchide aceasta categorie"
"Expand all categories" "Extinde toate categoriile"
"Collapse all categories" "Inchide toate categoriile"
"General product data" "Date generale produs"
"Weight" "Greutate"
"Special price" "Pret Special"
"Price (net)" "Pret (net)"
"Quantity" "Cantitate"
"Model" "Model"
"Manufacturer" "Producator"
"Category" "Categorie"
"Tax class" "Taxa"
"Availability date" "Data de achizitie"
"Creation date" "Data creare"
"Modification date" "Data modificare"
"Price (gross)" "Pret (brut)"
"Product category | Enter the category of the product. If you left this option empty, the product will not be assigned to any category. The product will be available by searching in OSCommerce, but it won't be found by navigating the categories." *no-translation-available*
"Product manufacturer | Set the manufacturer of the product." *no-translation-available*
"Product model | Enter the model of the product. You can use letters and numbers." *no-translation-available*
"Quantity on stock | Enter the quantity of this product available on stock." *no-translation-available*
"Net price | Price before taxes (gross price - taxes)." *no-translation-available*
"Product special offer price | You can enter a special offer price for this product." *no-translation-available*
"Product weight | Enter the weight of the product." *no-translation-available*
"Is the product for sale? | Set if the product is available or not for sale." *no-translation-available*
"Tax class | Select the tax class that will be applied to the product." *no-translation-available*
"Currency used to store this value." *no-translation-available*
"Availability date | Set the date the product will be available for sale." *no-translation-available*
"Creation date | Shows the date the product record was created." *no-translation-available*
"Modification date | Shows the date the product record was last modified." *no-translation-available*
"Gross price | Price after taxes (net price + taxes)." *no-translation-available*
"Product description" *no-translation-available*
"Name" "Nume"
"Description" "Descriere"
"Viewed" "Vazute"
"Product name | Enter the product name. Avoid using HTML tags." *no-translation-available*
"Product description | Enter the description of the product for this language. You can enter HTML tags if desired." *no-translation-available*
"Product's site URL | Enter the URL of the manufacturer site of this product." *no-translation-available*
"Viewed | How many times this product has been viewed in this language." *no-translation-available*
"Strip HTML tags | Deletes the HTML code in the Name and Description fields." *no-translation-available*
"Strip HTML" *no-translation-available*
"Product image" "Imagine produs"
"Clear the image list cache." *no-translation-available*
"Estimated download time for a dialup connection." *no-translation-available*
"Image dimensions and file size." "Dimensiunile imaginii si marimea fisierului"
"Download product image | Press to download the image from the web server." *no-translation-available*
"Download image" "Descarca imagine"
"Stop download | Press to stop the downloading of the image from the web server." *no-translation-available*
"Stop dowload" "Opreste descarcare"
"Delete product image | Press to delete the image file from the web server and to clear the image filename from the product record." *no-translation-available*
"Delete image" "Stergere imagine"
"Upload product image | Press to upload an image file to the web server." *no-translation-available*
"Upload image" "Incarcare imagine"
"DEBUG | This frame contains the latest response from the web server." *no-translation-available*
"Select product image | Press to select an image file already available in the web server." *no-translation-available*
"Select image" "Selectare imagine"
"File name of image | Enter the URL of the product's image." *no-translation-available*
"File name of image." "Fisierul imaginii"
"Unlink product image | Press to clear the image filename from the product record. The image file will not be deleted.from the web server." *no-translation-available*
"Unlink image" *no-translation-available*
"Download all images | Press to download all images at the same time." *no-translation-available*
"Download all images" "Descarca toate imaginile"
"Disable this debug listing" *no-translation-available*
"Click to cancel the process..." "Click pentru a opri procesul..."
"Cancel" "Anulare"
"Confirm | Press to accept the synchronization changes." *no-translation-available*
"Module execution information | Show the information data given by the executed module." *no-translation-available*
"Synchronization list | This list shows the matching, not matching and unchanged items requested to the external module." *no-translation-available*
"Copy list to clipboard" "Copiaza lista in clipboard"
"Copy different records to clipboard" *no-translation-available*
"Copy equal records to clipboard" *no-translation-available*
"Copy unknown records to clipboard" *no-translation-available*
"Copy not allowed records to clipboard" *no-translation-available*
"Product category | Set to restrict the search to products in a given category." *no-translation-available*
"Product manufacturer | Set to restrict the search to products from a given manufacturer." *no-translation-available*
"Product model | Set to search based on the model string. You can use incomplete strings. For example, P132 would match SWP132-9." *no-translation-available*
"Product name | Set to search based on the product name. You can use incomplete strings. For example, RADIO would match PORTABLE RADIO WITH AM/FM." *no-translation-available*
"Product description | Set to search based on the product description. You can use incomplete strings." *no-translation-available*
"Search based on special price | You can set it to search only those products with or without special price." *no-translation-available*
"Search based on special price" *no-translation-available*
"No matter the special price" *no-translation-available*
"Only those without special price" *no-translation-available*
"Only those with special price" *no-translation-available*
"Search based on image | You can set it to search only those products with or without an image. Note that this option will not check if the image actually exist on the web server." *no-translation-available*
"Search based on image" *no-translation-available*
"No matter the image" *no-translation-available*
"Only those without image" *no-translation-available*
"Only those with image" *no-translation-available*
"Search based on availability | You can set it to search only available or unavailable products." *no-translation-available*
"Search based on availability" *no-translation-available*
"No matter the availability" *no-translation-available*
"Only those not available" *no-translation-available*
"Only those available" *no-translation-available*
"SQL Log | This is the conent of the SQL log file." *no-translation-available*
"Clear" "Golire"
"Memory usage:" *no-translation-available*
"About " "Despre"
"To be used with" *no-translation-available*
"Language files translated by" *no-translation-available*
"Connected store:" "Conectare"
"Detected osCommerce extensions:" *no-translation-available*
"Detected osCommerce database tables:" *no-translation-available*
"Upload product image" *no-translation-available*
"Image files" *no-translation-available*
"All files (*.*)" "Toate fisierele (*.*)"
"Uploading image file..." *no-translation-available*
"Choose a color..." *no-translation-available*
"Settings of " *no-translation-available*
"Do you want to contribute with a translation in your native language?" *no-translation-available*
"It is very easy, and you don't have to be a programmer to do it." *no-translation-available*
"Please visit the website for more information." *no-translation-available*
"For all web connections" *no-translation-available*
"For OSCPM script only" *no-translation-available*
"To check updates only" *no-translation-available*
"Configuration files" *no-translation-available*
"Saving configuration file..." *no-translation-available*
"Loading configuration file..." *no-translation-available*
"Cannot find the proxy settings automatically." *no-translation-available*
"The font will change until you restart the application." *no-translation-available*
"Error while editing report" *no-translation-available*
"Test data" *no-translation-available*
"Are you sure you want to delete this module configuration?" *no-translation-available*
"Executable files" *no-translation-available*
"Choosing module file..." *no-translation-available*
"Missing or wrong data." *no-translation-available*
"Module configuration" *no-translation-available*
"Currency configuration" *no-translation-available*
"The currency value cannot be zero." *no-translation-available*
"The currency name cannot be empty." *no-translation-available*
"The currency code cannot be empty." *no-translation-available*
"Currencies management" *no-translation-available*
"Are you sure you want to delete this currency?" *no-translation-available*
"This currency is the default currency. It cannot be deleted." *no-translation-available*
"Are you sure you want to change this currency?" *no-translation-available*
"Getting exchange rates..." *no-translation-available*
"Loading currency list..." *no-translation-available*
"There was an error while downloading the exchange rates from the server." *no-translation-available*
"Are you sure you want to set this currency as the default?" *no-translation-available*
"Currency update confirmation" *no-translation-available*
"Currency" *no-translation-available*
"Old value" *no-translation-available*
"New value" *no-translation-available*
"Yes" *no-translation-available*
"No" *no-translation-available*
"Superb quality" *no-translation-available*
"Good quality" *no-translation-available*
"Normal quality" *no-translation-available*
"Average quality" *no-translation-available*
"Bad quality" *no-translation-available*
"License of " *no-translation-available*
"Connecting to database..." *no-translation-available*
"Enter the database password" *no-translation-available*
"Detecting extensions..." *no-translation-available*
"Connecting..." *no-translation-available*
"There was an error while trying to get the PHP configuration from the server." *no-translation-available*
"Loading configuration list..." "Salvare/Incarcare configuratie"
"Loading language list..." *no-translation-available*
"Loading category list..." *no-translation-available*
"Loading manufacturers list..." *no-translation-available*
"Loading taxes list..." *no-translation-available*
"Rendering..." *no-translation-available*
"There was an error while trying to get the osCommerce addons list." *no-translation-available*
"Disconnecting..." *no-translation-available*
"ID" *no-translation-available*
"Price" *no-translation-available*
"Image" *no-translation-available*
"products" *no-translation-available*
"???" *no-translation-available*
"Mem:" *no-translation-available*
"There was an error while loading the category list." "S-a produs o eroare in timpul descarcarii listei de imagini."
"There was an error while loading the manufacturers list." "S-a produs o eroare in timpul descarcarii listei de imagini."
"There was an error while loading the languages list." "S-a produs o eroare in timpul descarcarii listei de imagini."
"There was an error while loading the product list for this category." "S-a produs o eroare la incarcarea fisierului."
"There was an error while loading the tax list." "S-a produs o eroare la incarcarea fisierului."
"DEFAULT" *no-translation-available*
"There was an error while loading the configuration list." "S-a produs o eroare la incarcarea fisierului."
"Loading product list..." *no-translation-available*
"Loading product list." *no-translation-available*
"Searching product..." *no-translation-available*
"Do you really want to update this product?" *no-translation-available*
"Updating product data..." *no-translation-available*
"Preparing update query..." *no-translation-available*
"Deleting general product data..." *no-translation-available*
"There were errors while trying to delete one or more product images." *no-translation-available*
"Adding product record..." *no-translation-available*
"Updating availability..." *no-translation-available*
"Type the new price (xxx, -xxx, +xxx, -xxx%, +xxx%):" *no-translation-available*
"Change price for products" *no-translation-available*
"Change price for product " *no-translation-available*
"Updating prices..." *no-translation-available*
"Zero value not allowed." *no-translation-available*
"Type the new special price (xxx, -xxx, +xxx, -xxx%, +xxx%, 0 to disable):" *no-translation-available*
"Change special price for products" *no-translation-available*
"Change special price for product " *no-translation-available*
"Updating special prices..." *no-translation-available*
"Type the new quantity (xxx, -xxx, +xxx, -xxx%, +xxx%):" *no-translation-available*
"Change quantity for products" *no-translation-available*
"Change quantity for product " *no-translation-available*
"Updating quantity..." *no-translation-available*
"Negative value not allowed." *no-translation-available*
"Select the new manufacturer:" *no-translation-available*
"Change manufacturer for products" *no-translation-available*
"Change manufacturer for product " *no-translation-available*
"Updating manufacturer..." *no-translation-available*
"Select the new category:" *no-translation-available*
"Change category for products" *no-translation-available*
"Change category for product " *no-translation-available*
"Updating category..." *no-translation-available*
"Do you want to move these products to category " *no-translation-available*
"Change model for product " *no-translation-available*
"Type the new model:" *no-translation-available*
"Updating model..." *no-translation-available*
"Change weight for product " *no-translation-available*
"Type the new weight:" *no-translation-available*
"Updating weight..." *no-translation-available*
"THIS IS A SPECIAL DEBUG-VERSION. Use it only to report crashes and fatal errors. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. The full open-source version can be found in the website." *no-translation-available*
"Do you really want to quit the " *no-translation-available*
"Do you really want to delete the selected products?" *no-translation-available*
"Deleting product..." *no-translation-available*
"Saving product..." *no-translation-available*
"Product ID" *no-translation-available*
"Category ID" *no-translation-available*
"Category name" *no-translation-available*
"Manufacturer ID" *no-translation-available*
"Manufacturer name" *no-translation-available*
"Product name" *no-translation-available*
"Text record files" *no-translation-available*
"Exporting product list..." *no-translation-available*
"Error while exporting product list" *no-translation-available*
"Error while printing product list" *no-translation-available*
"Acrobat Reader files" *no-translation-available*
"Printing product list to PDF..." *no-translation-available*
"Printing to PDF" *no-translation-available*
"Type the subject of the PDF file:" *no-translation-available*
"Change date" *no-translation-available*
"Times viewed" *no-translation-available*
"Do you really want to delete this category?" *no-translation-available*
"Deleting category record..." *no-translation-available*
"Add new category" *no-translation-available*
"Enter the name of the new category and its translations." *no-translation-available*
"Adding category record..." *no-translation-available*
"Enter the new name of the category and its translations." *no-translation-available*
"Getting single category data..." *no-translation-available*
"Do you really want to update this category name?" *no-translation-available*
"Updating category record..." *no-translation-available*
"Updating category record.." *no-translation-available*
"Adding category record.." *no-translation-available*
"Adding category descriptions.." *no-translation-available*
"Searching parent category.." *no-translation-available*
"Moving categories from category.." *no-translation-available*
"Deleting category record.." *no-translation-available*
"Deleting category descriptions.." *no-translation-available*
"Moving products from category.." *no-translation-available*
"Checking for updates..." *no-translation-available*
"There is a new version available. Do you want to download it?" *no-translation-available*
"There is not a new version available." *no-translation-available*
"Cannot contact the software website. Check your network connection and proxy settings." *no-translation-available*
"Add new manufacturer" *no-translation-available*
"Type the name of the new manufacturer (avoid using HTML tags):" *no-translation-available*
"Adding manufacturer record..." *no-translation-available*
"Adding manufacturer data..." *no-translation-available*
"Adding manufacturer extra data..." *no-translation-available*
"Select the manufacturer to rename:" *no-translation-available*
"Edit the name of the manufacturer (avoid using HTML tags):" *no-translation-available*
"Do you really want to update this manufacturer name?" *no-translation-available*
"Updating manufacturer record..." *no-translation-available*
"You must select a valid manufacturer." *no-translation-available*
"Select the manufacturer to delete (all products by this manufacturer will be reassigned to a null manufacturer):" *no-translation-available*
"Do you really want to delete this manufacturer?" *no-translation-available*
"Deleting manufacturer record..." *no-translation-available*
"Do you really want to download a database backup of the store?" *no-translation-available*
"This operation may take a few minutes." *no-translation-available*
"Getting database backup..." *no-translation-available*
"Backup files" *no-translation-available*
"Saving database backup..." *no-translation-available*
"There was an error while trying to request a backup to the server." *no-translation-available*
"Adding currency record..." *no-translation-available*
"Deleting currency record..." *no-translation-available*
"Updating currency record..." *no-translation-available*
"There was an error while loading the database table names." "S-a produs o eroare la incarcarea fisierului."
"I will continue as normal." "Voi continua ca de obicei."
" bytes" *no-translation-available*
"There was an error while trying to connect to the server-side script." *no-translation-available*
"Please check it is installed and check your proxy settings." "Va rog sa verificati daca e instalat si verificati setarile proxy."
"General script error." "Eroare generala a scriptului."
"The script failed and could not even report the error." "Scriptul a esuat si nu a dat raport al erorii."
"There was an error while trying to connect to the web file." "S-a produs o eroare in timp ce incercam sa ma conectez la fisierul web."
"This could be a temporary failure in the web server. Please, try later." "Acesta poate fi o cadere temporara a serverului web. Va rogam incercati mai tarziu."
"But also could be a misconfiguration; please check your proxy settings." "Dar poate fi o eroare ce configurare. Va rog sa verificati setarile de proxy."
"Integrity check failed, the returned data was corrupted." *no-translation-available*
"The version of the server-side script is wrong." "Versiunea scriptului de pe server nu este corecta"
"The server image directory cannot be found." "Directorul de imagini de pe server nu a fost gasit"
"The password is not correct." "Parola incorecta."
"There has been an error while trying to get the server password." "S-a produs o eroare in timp ce incercam parola serverului"
"The server has blocked any connection from this IP address after too many login failures." "Serverul a blocat toate conexiunile de la aceasta adresa IP dupa prea multe incercari de autentificare"
"There has been an error while trying to connect the database from the server-side script." "S-a produs o eroare in timp ce incercam sa ma conectez la baza de date de la scriptul din partea serverului."
"The requested file cannot be found." "Fisierul cerut nu a putut fi gasit"
"There has been an error deleting the file (the file was not deleted)." "S-a produs o eroare la stergerea fisierului (fisierul nu a fost sters)"
"There has been an error deleting the file." "S-a produs o eroare la stergerea fisierului"
"There has been an error while uploading the file (the uploaded file was not found)." "S-a produs o eroare in timp incarcam fisierul (fisierul incarcat nu a fost gasit)"
"There has been an error while uploading the file (the uploaded file could not be moved)." "S-a produs o eroare in timp incarcam fisierul (fisierul incarcat nu poate fi mutat)"
"There has been an error while uploading the file (the uploaded file already exists)." "S-a produs o eroare in timp incarcam fisierul (fisierul incarcat exista deja)"
"There has been an error while uploading the file." "S-a produs o eroare in timp incarcam fisierul"
"There has been an error while trying to get the exchange rates (the remote server did not answered)." "S-a produs o eroare in timp ce incercam sa preiau cursurile valutare (serverul remote nu a raspuns)"
"There has been an error while trying to get the exchange rates (the currency code is invalid)." "S-a produs o eroare in timp ce incercam sa preiau cursurile valutare (codul valutei este invalid)"
"There has been an error while trying to get the exchange rates (no currency code was specified)." "S-a produs o eroare in timp ce incercam sa preiau cursurile valutare (nu au fost specificate cursurile valutare)"
"Empty database query." *no-translation-available*
"There has been an error while trying to connect the database from the server-side script (PHP has not support for MySQL)." "S-a produs o eroare in timp ce incercam sa ma conectez la baza de date de la scriptul din partea serverului."
"There has been an error while trying to connect the database from the server-side script (cannot find database parameters in the server)." "S-a produs o eroare in timp ce incercam sa ma conectez la baza de date de la scriptul din partea serverului."
"There has been an error while trying to connect the database from the server-side script (the database link was lost)." "S-a produs o eroare in timp ce incercam sa ma conectez la baza de date de la scriptul din partea serverului."
"Error in SQL query." *no-translation-available*
"Unknown error." "Eroare necunoscuta."
"The name of the product is missing." "Lipseste numele produsului..."
"The quantity of the product cannot be negative." "Cantitatea produsului nu poate fi negativa..."
"The price of the product is missing." "Lipseste pretul produsului ..."
"Downloading image..." "Descarc imaginea..."
"Converting image..." "Transform imaginea..."
"secs" "sec"
"kbps" *no-translation-available*
"k" *no-translation-available*
"Double-click to show full-size image..." "Dublu-click pentru a arata imaginea la marimea normala..."
"Deleting image..." "Sterg imaginea..."
"There was an error while deleting the file." "S-a produs o eroare in timpul stergerii fisierului."
"Getting list of directories..." "Preiau lista de directoare..."
"There was an error while downloading the image directory listing." "S-a produs o eroare la descarcarea listei de imagini."
"Deleting old image..." "Stergere imagine veche..."
"Uploading image..." "Incarcare imagine..."
"There was an error while uploading the file." "S-a produs o eroare la incarcarea fisierului."
"There was an error while deleting the old image." "S-a produs o eroare la stergerea imaginii vechi."
"The product image has been changed but the product record has not been updated." "Imaginea produsului a fost modificata dar produsul nu a fost actualizat."
"Getting image list..." "Preluare lista de imagini..."
"There was an error while downloading the images listing." "S-a produs o eroare in timpul descarcarii listei de imagini."
"Select the image image..." "Selecteaza imaginea imaginii"
"Select the image for the product:" "Selecteaza imaginea produsului:"
"There was an error while getting image files list." "S-a produs o eroare in timpul preluarii listei de fisiere. "
"PHP configuration on server" "Configuratia PHP de pe server"
"Click to close..." "Apasa pentru a inchide..."
"Connecting to module..." "Conectare la modul..."
"Exchanging with module..." "Schimb cu modulul..."
"Disconnecting from module..." "Deconectare de la modul..."
"Done with the module." "Modul terminat."
"Module error!" "Eroare modul!!!"
"Synchronization with external module" "Sincronizare cu modul extern"
"Index value" "valoare index"
"Updating products database..." "Actualizez baza de date..."
"Done updating database." "Actualizare baza de date terminata."
"Unknown sync product" *no-translation-available*
"Unchanged sync product" *no-translation-available*
"Different sync product" *no-translation-available*
"Invalid sync product" *no-translation-available*
"Search product" "Cautare produs"
"SQL query log" "log interogare SQL"
"lines" "linii"
NA fum/lmd: 2007.07.15
Copyright ©1994-2025 by Mario A. Valdez-Ramírez.
no siga este enlace / do not follow this link